Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Pentru animale eu îmi dau și viața
Trebuie să las și eu ceva în urma mea
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Dumnezeu este bun
Pharaoh's Tomb
Sunt sincer : vă dau pe mâna lumii 😅
Monday, September 28, 2020
Eu sunt un protector și un gardian al unei țări sfârșite
Cu cât minți mai mult cu atât ești mai prost numai adevărul este nobil chiar nu vezi?
Tot mai aproape de adevăr
Am fost cuminte
Dorm în somnul cel de moarte.
Românii și Vikingii
Există o speranță.
Cea mai periculoasă armă: conștiința
Sunt curat acum
M-am drogat de câteva ori
Viața mea este un dezastru
De ce nu am prietenă
Sunt un nenorocit, mi-am bătut tatăl
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Eu și dependența mea de jocuri de noroc
Ați fi uimiți să descoperiți că da sunt dependent de păcănele și nu într-un sens rău ci așa ocazional, mereu când am prea mulți bani decid să mai bag și eu 10-20 de lei la aparate, nimic grav.
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Oamenii nu mai simt
I miss you
It gets me high
Am un feeling, am un vibe ușor
Friday, September 25, 2020
Atac de panică
Eu sunt un om sincer, nu îmi place să îmi bat joc de oameni, mai ales de mine, în ultima vreme am fost cam așa ciudat, nu am putut să mă conformez cu realitatea, aia care este, parcă toată lumea avea ceva cu mine, ei bine nu este chiar așa, eu chiar am suferit, multe drame și depresii, în fine să trecem peste.
Prietena mea m-a părăsit pentru ca nu aveam bani și lucram de acasă. Eu am părăsito pentru că era curvă.
Se știe, femeile sunt proase, majoritatea dacă nu chiar toate, și problema este că sunt chiar foarte proaste din păcate, marea majoritate de femei e sub limita inteligenței masculine, deci poți lua cel mai inteligent bărbat și îl poți pune lângă cea mai inteligentă femeie si poți vedea foarte ușor diferențele.
În fine să trecem la alt subiect de discuție, eu am fost marea majoritate a vremii singur, și pur și simplu am fost singur pentru că așa am vrut, nu duc lipsă nici de bani și nici de femei dar pentru mine asta mă cam lasă rece. Să știu că am o curvă la ușa casei mele.
Prieteni am puțini și ăia îi numeri pe degete, astfel că așa am ajuns să depind numai de mine pe lume.
Prietenii mei sunt mai mari ca mine, ei sunt un fel de oameni puerili care nu știu încă ce este suferința. Majoritatea problemelor pe care le am în relație cu prietenii și familia este că ei nici nu mă cunosc pe mine foarte bine, eu tind să cred că dacă îți pasă cu adevărat de o persoană faci totul ca să îi fie bine.
Multă lume iubește superficial în zilele de astăzi ei vor doar distracție și prăjeală. Adică o euforie de moment, pe mine asta mă lasă rece. Eu nu iubesc cu pula, eu iubesc cu capul, mintea sufletul ochii și inima. Pentru mine nu contează sexul, tot ce îmi pasă mie este să tind spre perfecțiune.
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Am găsit metoda mea de descărcare
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
I chose to be smart and intelligent
Everybody has a choice and the choices you make define you, for all the people out there who are struggling with depression and anxiety and fear and anger and cruelty. For all the people who suffer in this world, I tell you now, you have a choice to change your life, so stand out stand tall, talk about your anxiety, talk about your problems, talk about what hurts you. Talk about you, come out stand out talk about yourself, let me see you let me feel you let me trust you let me hear you...
Let me know you, let me know the real you, let your words be fluent and sound like the wind against the shore of a coastline.
I was born in Romania on 14 June 1992. I am but a kid who has grown up so fast it never really bothered me to ask myself where did I go wrong. I was born in a military hospital in Bucharest.
I was furious and frustrated I suffered for years and years without any hope, until one day someone came up to me and said, hey, bro, are you ok? I know you, you are not crazy, come be my friend, so from that day everything changed in my life, I stopped watching TV I stopped lying to myself that I was a bad person and a cheater, I stopped stealing money. I stopped ruining my life.
All good, until one day I found out that my girlfriend was cheating on me. I was devastated, I was a wreck I had a panic attack on the spot, I yelled to the world and to god why would you do this to me I'm only 18 years old. But then I found the cure, and doctors told me it was psychiatric medication... I started taking drugs, prescription drugs, I still take them today, it felt good for a while until you get the side effects. Those suck.
I had side effects from my medication and I think I still have some of those even today. I'm 28 now and I don't have a child, I'm not married I had only four girlfriends all my life, two when I was sober and two when I was on medication, doctors told me I am bipolar and that I need treatment that I have anxiety and depression attacks and sometimes become a maniac...
Bipolar disease from what my doctor told me consists of having mental breakdowns with depression and maniacal episodes. I don't feel like I'm a maniac right now, to be honest, but anyway, the doctor also told me that I have psychotic episodes and need treatment, medical treatment for a long time, and that was back in 2014. It's been 6 almost 7 years since I take medical treatment for depression, anxiety, and mania.
Its been a while while I was on this medication, sometimes it was getting me high sometimes it was making me sleepy and sometimes I just feel very cold.
The coldness feeling that I get from time to time comes from the artificially created medication that I use, they are not natural, I mean my medication is not plant-based it's artificially created by man to stop some functions of the brain and body from going crazy.
They say my medication is the only thing keeping me normal and sane. But I do not agree to that, I think what is keeping me normal and sane is the fact that I make myself busy every day, I write, I stream video games, and I keep a journal, these are the things that make me normal. Not medication, they say I can't be normal anymore because I had a psychotic episode, I say they are crazy, the doctors are crazy to look what they did with COVID-19, the doctors are going insane, they are hallucinating, a person who keeps a journal, streams, and records video games, and writes on a blog is not crazy, he's an intellectual, and I will get to the bottom of this godforsaken truth.
They tortured me in hospitals for 6 years and tell me I am still sick this in going in the wrong direction my friends, how much can we lie? how much can we manipulate people? how much can we keep them under control? how much and for how many years can we keep people dumb and asleep while the big guys go out and have fun, how much can we as humans kill, forget, and blame one another for our own made misery, our own made hate, and our own made diseases, this has to stop one day, and I will be there the day it ends...
I loved one person
I loved one person, it was terrible, I still have nightmares with her, her name is forgotten, her duty is beheld, we shall meet again maybe in the afterlife, please forget me, please forget who I was as a person, don't look at me, run away, curse my name, leave all my place I still go to, leave everything behind, leave the world behind, my world is torn apart, the girl I loved hates me, every girl I meet is nothing but a shadow compared to that, only the memory of it is enough for me to come back to the same place, I feel alone, I feel like everybody is dying and I am too. I feel like nobody cares about this and nobody ever will, am I going to die alone?
What is with this question everything is so easy, every thought I had every sin I've made, it just took me further and further, long long time ago when I was a kid I didn't know that my life will be like this, I never knew... and even now I don't know what am I supposed to do in this situation.
What is your advice how can I overcome a lost love it still hurts...
I need money to buy a house
This article is for everybody who once struggled to buy a home. This article was made for all the people in the world who are homeless or just want to buy a home. We see you and we encourage you to do so. Houses are very expensive in these times. We want a house, a home, a place to belong, but do we actually need it? The world is spinning the planet is spinning around the sun, the climate is changing, time is going by, do we really need a place to stay or can we just move from a place to another?
I am asking this because I saw people struggling with debt and depression because they didn't have a house or a home to live in. I saw people living on the street looking for food, I saw people sleeping on the bench at night and day. How do we call them? Just homeless? Just give them one dollar to buy a beer?
I really think these people need help I really think these people should receive more attention than they currently have, I want to know more about this subject so I'm going to leave this right here. Why do we hate on people who do not have a home and they live on the street?
I'm not saying that I don't have a home I am just saying how could we do this? How can we make them recover how can they call that a life? The difference between us is huge, I have seen people so poor they don't have food on the table, I have seen so much poverty in the world that I am amazed by it. There are people so rich that they buy islands or land on the moon and I have seen people who die because they don't have food.
Can we call ourselves human if we witness these spikes of richness? What is money in fact but just a paper we run around from one to another. What is real money? What are we fighting for here?
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
People talk shit.
I have met a lot of liars in my life, most of the lies come from frustration and stupidity, my lies are not that way, I lie to save myself I don't lie because I don't like a certain person I just feel like lying is stupid now, but most people feed on the lies you talk about so when they are hungry they start talking bullshit about you. This happened to me more than once and I regret not having the last word, most people who talk shit about me don't even know me that way. They just invent some silly stories like I am crazy and stuff like that, that is so untrue, I am not crazy I am very sane and stable, I also feel like most people don't really like me because they have not met me yet but also I get this vibe of hate again maybe because I am white?
The fear
I am afraid that one day I will tell my parents that I am not on medicine anymore, I am afraid that if I tell my parents that I don't take my pills it will get worse after all, what can happen if I don't take my pills anymore?
Good question, if I don't take my medicine what can happen? I really don't know I have been taking drugs for about six years now and I can't feel a thing except for being sleepy all the time, it just makes me numb.
All these pills make me numb, I am a numb person. I can't feel a thing, I take drugs from my doctors to feel better but the feelings never fade away, they just sit there in my heart all the time, feeling like this makes me anxious, the drugs I take for a while now have been kicking in everytime I take them, after I take them at night I fall asleep almost instantly, I can't even move my face.
What the fuck is going on now boys? You take medicine to feel better but it just makes you dizzy, holy shit. This is insane I take pills for 6 years and I feel like shit, these are the doctors who tell you about health they give you pills to make you numb.
Make you feel worthless and nothing because they think they are smarter than you, rofl.
In Romania doctors ain't shit, they just flee the country for more money, they don't give a damn about this country. In Romania doctors abuse power not politicians. Doctors have the power to lock you in a mental hospital while the police locks you in jail , so what is the actual difference between a doctor and a police officer? None.
For the Love of Money
For the love of money, there is nothing much to say about money I got links on my blog you can find them to download money making programs and earn passive income, the love of money is real most people like money for the things that they can buy, there is nothing to be ashamed of, money will come to you if you respect your promises, if you come home with a broken heart and pockets empty then it is bad for you, I feel like this because I also know how it is to have nothing in your pockets, I also live on the verge of existence, I am broke but a cute broke guy.
I need more money to supply for my needs but money as we speak it won't come to me if I spend it on useless things like love cars and females, I don't need no prayer to bring me wealth, all I need is a good sense of humor and pockets full of cash, people need money to survive, I need money for my own pleasure, I only need the money I can buy, but the money I spend is useless to me, only love for the big boys.
Ok so money is a necessity in these days, money is very versatile money is luxury money is something you go out late at night for your night shifts to get home and eat your salad because you are vegan.
I'm not saying money is bad I'm just saying that money is useless, if you feel useless then you also love money.
Money is useless for two reasons : one you always have money and two you always need money. You can never have enough money, money is infinite.
Play with my feelings
I'm a cute guy, I had some girlfriends, my last one was a gypsy girl, who I used to spend time with, she was awesome but beautiful she was great and wonderful, I have only kind words to say, people like me and she were like inseparable, we used to spend so much time at my house and clean and cook, I don't have a job so my parents would give us money, we had a great time together but she decided to leave me for whatever reason. Every girl decides to leave a man is not because she hates him, she just wants something else for her. She needs new experiences she was younger than I am, and we would have a good time.
We like to spend time alone because we feel like we are not enough for the right person, when money comes between partners be sure it will be a disaster, money can't replace love.
Money can buy you cars and cool stuff but money is not a feeling you can't feel money that is absurd.
You can't have feelings for cash I mean what the hell, I would love money but I would not love girls.
I would love money more than girls or myself, I would love profit. I would love to make a living, I would love work, I would love my job, this is insane, people don't love the money they love the things money can buy them. Money is a good substitute for a person if you miss someone goes buy a frappucino and you will feel better.
Evil is the money that brings chaos and pain to its holders, Evil is the money who has spilled blood upon, evil is the money you give to buy people.
My love
You had a bad day ❤️
Look insode of you 🥺
My addiction to slot machines and casinos
Every day is a new beginning, every day is a new challenge
Monday, September 21, 2020
My father is a hero.
Kind heart.
My country is my pride.
I will live and die in Romania, this is my country my soul my everything my all.
I live for my country, FOR MY PEOPLE. FOR MY FAMILY.
I live to defend Romania.
I am a child of this country.
I am a patriot, I live to serve Romania and all Romanians.
I live to love my country and die by the Romanian flag.
I live in my country.
My country is my soul my body and my blood.
The blood of my ancestors.
The blood of my people.
The blood of millions of men and women and children who fought to live in a free world.
The blood of all humans who served under their flag.
The blood of all patriots.
The blood of a thousand men aching in despair to protect everything they loved in this life.
The blood of a human.
We are Romanians. We will never give up. We will never give in. We will never surrender. We are one.
Trust the process
There is a process in which we humans are born and raised its called growing up, when you become an adult you know things that you didn't know before this is called maturity.
When you reach a certain age you start to see people differently you start to feel new things growing up inside of you you have a sense of delicate smell you feel things like you are reborn and you start seeing things like they were never true or false they just are.
You feel amazed about this new perspective brought to you by numerous people that you can feel them you have a sense of complacent you see different perspectives like augmentation and start realizing virtual reality better and better and what can this bring into your life with different other perspectives and so on.
You bring to the world a new idea of the idea of being complacent the idea of revitalization and irrigation, the idea of surprise, you never would expect this to happen and it did.
You fell new not because you are a baby but because you have awakened, you feel revitalized by new images and sensations each day passing you feel the freshness of the air calling you by your real name.
And the people start adapting to your new ways...
All the people that I love are my family.
I forgot I loved you.
To all the girls I loved to all the women I loved and to all the childhood memories I have, I need to let it all go, I need to forget everything, I need to let you go, I need to let our love go, I need to forget you.
I am not sorry I need to move on I need to leave the past behind me, I need to find new love, a new girl, a new woman to share my passion and devotion to, all my past girlfriends were awesome, all of you, I will never regret loving you but I need you to know that I have moved on and I am fine without you, I didn't make this decision by myself you did too.
You decided to leave me so I decided to forget you. An eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. If you leave me I forget you, If you cheat on me I will leave you and I will not be sorry about it. I can't stand cheaters liars and so on...
Love is not easy, real love hurts, basic love heals, powerful love empowers, and so on... There are many kinds of love, which one would you choose? The love I've chosen to become is the love left in me by so many women that I have been with, all their gifts are with me anytime, I have left, loved, and forgiven so much, and I still have to love and forgive further in my life, all I need is a little patience and everything will be ok.
For all the heartbroken people out there I have a message: "Don't lose hope, and don't forget to forgive" Forgiving is the only medicine to a broken heart. Forgiving heals your heart and soul, forgiving is divine and its sent to us by God.
I have God in me as long as I forgive, when I stop forgiving I will probably die but I will die with my heart thinking at God... this is the way I want to die.
I will die a happy man, even if I die today and today was my last day, I would die a happy man.
I will start moving on, I will find love again, I will love again, with all my heart, never forget who I was but I'm dying to meet the new man I have become.
God Bless!
My Path
This is what I would say about me, that I'm a lover, I'm a gamer, and I will be a father, I will always rise again and again, life is a never-ending cycle, you win some you lose some, you win again and again and again until you won at life.
I feel like a winner because of the satisfaction I get from my work, I really feel like I'm doing the right thing, the thing that I was meant to do, I never felt this way before, it was like a cataclysm...
Until the day I leave this earth for you my loved ones I leave a trace of love and a path to follow me in my footsteps...
I leave kindness and love and appreciation, I leave a path of fulfillment and love and peace to all mankind and all living ones...
I leave a path not forgotten but forgiven... I leave a path of kings, a life of a great king... a life meant to be lived by only the strong and understood only by the bravest women.
My path is a path of love and peace of forgiveness and enjoyment, of pleasure and sadness...
My path was meant to be remembered.
I am remembered, I will not be forgotten, people will love me again.
Come to the Dark Side we have cookies
Romania is my home❤️
Third Eye Open
The journey of a reformed man 🙂
Some people are happy some people are sad
I am here to live 🙂
The Road to Zion
Hey guys, I'm back 🙂
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
I have anxiety attacks
I have anxiety attacks, sometimes I feel good, sometimes I feel bad, but just sometimes I feel nothing.
It literally feels like a claw on your chest whenever you try to do something for the first time or engage in an activity.
This is really scary because when you feel this way your whole world shifted in front of you, it feels like you're constantly changing all the time doing new stuff and having such a great time remembering all the fun times you had.
Sometimes it feels like a lifetime ago when you get back on your feet after going to the doctor and saying, Hey I'm fine, what about you tell me what to do now.
It just feels horrible that I have to depend on anyone these days, I want to be my own man, I want to have my own house, I want to see the world, all the wonders of the world, I want to break free.
I want to go out and visit all kinds of places, virtually or in-person it does not matter.
You just have to go, I'm going to have to let you go this time. But I promise you the next time we meet. I won't be so friendly about it.