Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Pentru animale eu îmi dau și viața

Cu toții avem nevoie de un scop pe lume iar al meu este să salvez animalele și fauna, flora și plantele, copaci sunt mulți, animalele nu, copii ne mor, plantele nu, animalul este doar o jucarie scrisă de un păpușar dibaci, animalul este suflet, este un nou început, o nouă zi, este o jucărie, animalul de pluș de pe biroul copilului tău are dreptul la viață, toate animalele au dreptul la viață, puneți punct și salvați animalele începând chiar de astăzi, hai trezirea copii!

Trebuie să las și eu ceva în urma mea

O speranță un dor las în urma mea ruinele dorului și sămânța înțelepciunii, las lucrurile care îmi revin tuturor. Las în urmă sămânța mea a înțelepciunii și a bucuriei, las sămânța dragostei și fertilității, las sămânța copiilor și generațiilor ce va să vină, las iubire și educație, las bună creștere și lumină, las pe lumea asta să vină un nor uitat de lume care s-a prăpădit pe mal și spune... Lume te va judeca te va iubi si te va urâ cu aceeași gură, fi sincer cu tine măcar acum în ultimul ceas, o zi bună vă doresc.
Lumea asta vă va dezamăgii vă va ocărâ vă va tulbura, va scoate din voi ce e mai rău pe lume dar tot voi trebuie să fiți puternici și să doborâți toate obstacolele, de voi depinde țara asta, nu o dezamăgiți 😉

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Dumnezeu este bun

Dumnezeul nostru, Dumnezeul poporului Român nu este mort, este chiar aici cu noi și acela chiar sunt eu, un Dumnezeu mai blând că așa e firea mea vă privesc zi și noapte și cred cu tărie că într-o zi vom reuși poate că ziua aceea nu este astăzi dar într-o zi vom reușii, aveți încredere...

Pharaoh's Tomb

Pharaoh's tomb este un joc de păcănele popular el este un joc de noroc ce se găsește în cazinouri este făcut de firma novomatic și este oarecum popular, este un joc vechi care nu se știe ce mistere ascunde, este jocul meu preferat din cazinou și îmi place foarte mult să câștig la el, am și făcut bani dar am și pierdut la el, nu există șansă de reușită 100% la cazinou este doar pură coincidență și viață înainte de toate, ducețivă și jucați cel puțin aici la mine este ok.


Somnul trebuie să  fie lin, netulburat, capricios și un poc erotic, somnul este ceva sfânt, el ne odihnește, ne apără , ne îmbată pentru cateva ore. Somnul este ca o beție, somnul este lin. Lumea crede că somnul este vrășmaș, el nu este așa, somnul este odihnă este plăcere este calm, somnul este bun, somnul alină durerea, somnul repară somnul te relaxează el aduce cu tine frumosul, somnul te repară, somn pufos și somn gelos, visele calde și umede ne aduc pe acelaș palier, somnul vindecă , dormiți și apoi vă treziți , somnul vă aduce bucurii. El este liniște

Sunt sincer : vă dau pe mâna lumii 😅

Dacă ai râs cel puțin o dată de prostia ta ești în locul care trebuie, suntem oameni și greșim, totul stă în echilibru, trebuie să învățăm din greșeli, trebuie să ne redescoperim pasiunile , trebuie să trecem cu bine peste necazuri, trebuie trebuie trebuie, cine nu știe cunoaște iar cine știe și nu aplică va fi vai de el, eu sunt bolnav dar poate tu nu, poate ai o șansă la viață iar poate tu vei reușii, sper ca la momentul potrivit să realizezi ce îți doreai iar până atunci să continui mereu să speri, aceasta este o scrisoare către viitorul meu, sperați în continuare!

Monday, September 28, 2020

Eu sunt un protector și un gardian al unei țări sfârșite

Dumnezeu m-a trimis aici în țara asta să le dau trezirea să le dau scularea unui pppor rupt în bucăți mișelește de naziști și comuniști așa zișii socialiști și liberali care spun cu mâna pe inimă că nu nu și pe dincolo și ei fac tocmai acele lucruri pe care le condamnă cu gura lor, vă recomand să îi ascultați bine că exact lucrurile care le spun că nu le fac, ei alea le fac 😉

Cu cât minți mai mult cu atât ești mai prost numai adevărul este nobil chiar nu vezi?

Adevărul este nobil chiar nu vezi, cu cât minți mai mult te minți singur, ieși la suprafață noi nu vrem minciuni vrem realitate ceva ce este real, m-am băgat singur în asta tot singur o să ies, crezi că ești mai bun dacă minți? Nouă nu ne pasă tot se află orice ai face prostia naște minciună și minciuna prostie, ești într-un cerc vicios din care nu mai poți să ieși și din care singura scăpare este adevărul fi sincer cu tine măcar acum în ultimul ceas... Devine cam târziu și trebuie să plec, poate ne vom mai vedea 🙂

Tot mai aproape de adevăr

Trebuie să ne gândim că timpul trece și totul este trecător iar noi trebuie să mergem mai departe în viață cu sau fără persoanele pe care le-am iubit sau încă le iubim, mergi înainte pe drumul tău fără să privești în urmă, mergi și ascultă vocea inimii ea știe drumul tău mai bine ca oricine, fie ca întâmplările din viața ta să-ți aducă bucurie și împlinire și nu uita cine te-a ajutat la nevoie și necaz, nu scuipa nu înjura suntem la fel peste tot fie că ești rpmân sau nu arab sau sârb.

Am fost cuminte

Nu am avut multe prietene, recunosc, au fost câteva poate unele chiar m-au iubit sincer și dezinteresat, altele poate doar au profitat, am o ură de nedescris pentru femeia parșivă care minte, dacă vrei să fii cu mine fi sinceră cu tine, fi sinceră cu tine sora mea nu te minții pe cine iubești cu adevărat că umbli cu mulți... Pe cine iubești? Știi? La cine ții sora mea când te văd dezbrăcată, dezlânată, parvenită și ploctisită? Pe cine iubești sora mea care stai într-un copac și spui că au înnebunit salcâmii, pe cine iubești sora mea când bate vântul la geam și ești singură? Pe cine iubești sora mea care stai cuminte? Pe cine iubești sora mea care petreci zi și noapte , pe cine iubești soro? La cine ții? Pe cine iubești? Cine este la tine în suflet? Pe cine plângi sora mea de luni până vineri, pe cine iubești sora mea uitată?

Dorm în somnul cel de moarte.

Muriți români muriți, pentru țară și popor muriți, se va vărsa sânge pentru țara asta, se va vărsa, și încă cât, prevăd o mate nebunie, o mare nebunie asupra României, va veni, și în curând, lumea nu mai vrea, nu mai suportă tirania, totul va exploda iar numai cei aleși pe sprânceană vor supraviețuii, vine purgatoriul, dormiți...dormiți adânc, somnul vă paște viețile se duc, inchide ochii și dormi, căci trezirea va venii ca o lovitură de sabie, cu tăișul încons, vor venii torturi mari asupra neamului, foarte mari, va venii inchiziția , petrolul, se va vărsa sânge pe drapel iarăși, va venii războiul...

Românii și Vikingii

Țara asta din geto dacă s-a ajuns la globalizare, Trump, America, Rusia, China, totul este globalizat, nimic nu pute acum, suntem toți o apă și un pământ, mă camuflez camaleon și spun din suflet pe teflon, inima îmi arde sufăr și plâng pentru o țară distrusă prea curând, inima arde și sufletul plâng pentru o țară distrusă prea curând, Cezar nu a murit pentru noi, Cezar a murit de trădare el este viciul, viitorul unei națiuni plânse și zdrobite sufletul de roman și român tot o dată Roma Italia suntem noi frații voștrii, Roma , coloseumul sufletul de Roman, Italia noi suntem Dacia sufletul de dac, trac, geto dac Viking , nordic Român, Neanderthall noi suntem viitorul noi suntem România sufletul României, a curs sânge am plâns ne luptăm între noi ca lupii vrem mai mult.

Există o speranță.

În viața mea am știut mereu că mă pot corecta indiferent prin câte încercări am trecut, trebuie să îți pară rău, din moment ce ai avut regrete poți urca, până nu regreți e inutil vei naviga pe mări până vei naufragia. Asta este simplu, lumea nu vrea falsitate ea vrea substanță, ceva adevărat, părerile de rău nu ajută cu nimic, noi vrem dreptate și adevăr nu minciuni și durere, da vom muri dar până atunci trebuie să faci rai din ce ai, asta este părerea mea iar dacă nu poți face rai din ce ai măcar nu adu iadul pe pământ pentru oameni nevinovați, nu toți suntem păcătoși așa ca tine deci vizeazăți comportamentul de fiecare dată când treci printr-o încercare, aca vrei să fi om, treci prin multe probe iar oamenii nu sunt ușor de manipulat, discuțiile de genul acesta ar trebuii oatecum să fie vorbite în particular și nu pe internet.

Cea mai periculoasă armă: conștiința

Dacă nu ai conștiința curată, dacă ce ai făcut tu te pune într-o poziție defensivă sau inferioară, înseamnă că nu ai conștiința curată, lumea crede că ce fac sau ce zic nu au repercursiuni, ce faci și ce zici te definesc, dacă minți te va durea dacă înșeli te va durea dacă te droghezi tot te va durea, orice faci greșit te va durea, așa că încercați să vă ghidați după durere ca să vedeți ce aveți de îndreptat, eu așa fac, dacă ceva doare meditez la durere și încerc să-mi scot ghimpele din inimă, uneori asta durează ani de zile, alteori câteva secunde. Dacă vrei o lume corectă, cel puțin cu tine fă asta de fiecare dată când simți durere și vei știi cum să scapi. 🙂😉

Sunt curat acum

Acum sunt bine, nu mă mai doare, cred că a fost ceva temporar, în fine, relațiile mele au fost un dezastru pe sistemul sex drugs and rock n roll , pe bune , cine crede că este mai fericit drogat se înșeală amarnic, visele din copilărie le port în suflet, oamenii mei sunt deosebiți, frumosul din ei mă mulțumește, viața nu este dreaptă este o spirală care ne întoarce mereu în trecut ca să vedem adevăruri mai adânci, cu asta vă las prieteni, cu adevărul, durerea este temporară la fel ca viața uneori copii știu mai multe lucruri ca noi, uneori copii ne pot salva, a avea un copil este cel mai frumos lucru de pe pământ, eu îmi doresc un copil cu femeia pe are o iubesc, mama și tata m-au crescut așa în iubire, eu am plecat în lume apoi m-am întors rănit, ce să fac, asta mi-a fost viața, până nu cazi nu poți să te ridici, eu vă spun, nu vă drogați , durerea și regretul sunt mult mai mari, pentru o viață curată 🙂

M-am drogat de câteva ori

M-am drogat când eram mai mic, prin liceu așa, am fumat iarbă și legale, o dată am fumat și o pastilă, am pisato și rulato într-un joint, nu a fost firesc ba chiar uneori am crezut că am halucinații, ca să vedeți și voi de unde plec, dar fumam atunci, acum nu mă mai droghez, pentru că sunt bolnav, sunt bolnav sunt rănit și nefericit. Asta fac drogurile, te îngroapă...

Viața mea este un dezastru

Lumea crede că este simplu să fi un artist, ei bine nu prea este, de obicei artiștii sunt cei mai ignorați oameni de pe pământ, nu poți păcălii un artist și nici nu ai vrea asta, eu scriu și citesc, filmez și vorbesc, sunt un artist în adevăratul cuvântului, mai am și scăpări da recunosc, dar sunt abia un copil am 28 de ani, viața este mult prea dură și nefiresc de incorectă. Eu nu prea pun la suflet dar nu suport să mi se zică ce să fac, dacă vreau asta bine dacă nu nu o fac și gata, sunt foarte selectiv, am prieteni dar nu foarte mulți, nu am încredere în ei, nici în mine nu am încredere de aceea sunt de evitat, lumea nu mă place și nici eu nu o plac pe ea. Nimeni nu știe ce am, poate că sunt doar ifose de ale mele, nu vă contrazic, poate că sunt nebun...poate.

De ce nu am prietenă

De multe ori am încercat să agăț, ceva nu a mers , nu că nu am vrut dar că cică nu s-a potrivit, eu sunt așa pentru că așa vreau să fiu, fetele nu se uită la mine pentru că nu mă plac nu că ar fi ceva în neregulă cu mine, despre femei nu pot vorbi, dar unele dintre prietenele mele m-au rănit foarte rău, am fost înșelat și batjocorit.
Mi-am pierdut încrederea în femei și credeam că definitiv.
Multe fete m-au văzut ca un gentleman, acum nu apuc să vorbesc despre femei cum ar vrea ele dar femeile distrug vieți, distrug vieți de bărbați și așa mai departe, am o durere adâncă de singurătate care uneori îmi taie reapirația, nu știu să mă port, n-am chef de agățat, dacă cineva vrea să vorbească cu mine să o facă, eu nu mai fac primul pas pentru că nu se merită m-am săturat și scârbit de orice înseamnă femeie pe lumea asta 

Sunt un nenorocit, mi-am bătut tatăl

Multă lume crede că e ușor sa fi eu, nu, nu este, am avut probleme în familie foarte grave, suntem mereu pe locul doi când vine vorba despre sinceritate, mereu ne ia lumea înainte, scriu aici singur din camera mea, sunt pe telefon și fac postarea aceasta, multă lume crede că este ușor, nu e. Lumea este malefică și schimbătoare uneori am impresia că îmi iau câmpii iar alteori că câmpii mă iau pe mine, decizia mea să scriu românește îmi aparține, într-o lume globalizată cu forța eu sunt singurul mohican.
Lumea este singură la fel ca mine, eu așa o văd iar când încerci să te dai ceea ce nu pari a fi nu prea merge, am pierdut mult, și timp, și prieteni, familia este singura care mă mai ține pe picioare, fără regrete te rog, mi-am înghițit singur singurătatea de atâta timp, lumea crede că am înnebunit când scrisul este singurul care mă mai ține normal, dacă nu aș avea asta ar fi o tragedie, păcat că nu este așa.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Eu și dependența mea de jocuri de noroc

Ați fi uimiți să descoperiți că da sunt dependent de păcănele și nu într-un sens rău ci așa ocazional, mereu când am prea mulți bani decid să mai bag și eu 10-20 de lei la aparate, nimic grav.
Problema este când bagi prea des și prea mult adică atunci când nu te mai poți oprii când bagi toți banii fără să spui stop, asta este problema cea mai mare când nu știi să te oprești, da este o dependență aproape un viciu, eu joc la aparate de distracție nu ca să fac bani, unii din hobby au făcut din asta un scop, în fine, este treaba lor 😜

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Oamenii nu mai simt

Credeam că suntem făcuți toți din același aluat, dar se pare că nu este așa, oamenii nu mai simt, s-au îndepărtat așa mult de ei înșiși încât cred că o bucată de hârtie chiar îi vor face fericiți, iar pentru asta au nevoie de droguri ca să mai poată fi fericiți pentru că sunt goi pe dinăuntru, lumea nu mai simte ca altă dată ei vor doar să se distreze și să creeze atmosfera. Lumea din ziua de astăzi s-a îndepărtat așa de mult de națiune și patriotism încât au uitat că și ei sunt făcuți din pământ, tu chip de lut ce ești, ideile astea îmi vin pe parcurs pentru că eu sunt un om simplu așa am zis mereu, banii mei nu mă definesc, doar ce am în cap și în suflet mă poate defini pe mine în rest nimic. Lumea a devenit atât de alienată de creator încât nu mai știe ce să facă cu viața lor, Lumea este așa debusolată că se învârte în cerc, ce să mai zic, lumea pe lângă că este nebună este și stricată, dar în fine acest subiect va fi mai oportun de discutat în postările ce vor venii, pace.

I miss you

Am început să cred că nimeni nu este real, că lumea e un loc de joacă pentru cei deștepți, că viața este o glumă, o glumă proastă, libertatea este scrisă doar în cărți iar viața este un joc.
Fiecare ființă omenească de pe pământ are un vibe, un feeling și acela este trasnetul, este plăcerea sau plecarea de pe munte, este visul oricărui călător pe munți, să vină și să plece după pofta inimii sale.

It gets me high

Mă doare capul, este două noaptea, sunt la țară, aici nu am priwteni și m-am gândit să scriu câteva rânduri neinspirate, mie somn, n-am chef de nimic aproape sunt adormit, dorm de voie, apoi când mă voi trezi voi fi ca nou, dar acum nu se simte decât oboseala, și halal ce e cu oboseala asta, aproape că rămân fără inspirație, am citit câteva cărți până acum și voi mai citi cărți până când voi murii, alții se uită la TV iar eu citesc cărți, ce viață, aproape nenorocită ca să nu mai spun pastile și tutun.

Am un feeling, am un vibe ușor

Inima mea începe să se simtă bine, am suferit mult, am suferit și atacuri, am suferit și plăceri, acum că sunt high așa într-o beatitudine din aia, câteodată mă gândeam să încerc marijuana sau cânepă medicinală adică iarbă, mă gândeam că asta ar fi legală în America dar eu sunt high pe legale adică pe tutun.
Da simt nevoia de sex de ce să mint aș vrea să mă lăfăi în droguri și femei dar mai mult decât iarbă nu aș lua nici un alt drog. Dar în fine la noi nu e voie. De ce naiba nu e voie? Nu înțeleg, parcă am fi toți drogați cu iarbă, păcat, cred că e chiar mișto, de mult nu am mai spus asta 😅.
Fumatul dăunează grav sănătății copii.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Atac de panică


Eu sunt un om sincer, nu îmi place să îmi bat joc de oameni, mai ales de mine, în ultima vreme am fost cam așa ciudat, nu am putut să mă conformez cu realitatea, aia care este, parcă toată lumea avea ceva cu mine, ei bine nu este chiar așa, eu chiar am suferit, multe drame și depresii, în fine să trecem peste.

Prietena mea m-a părăsit pentru ca nu aveam bani și lucram de acasă. Eu am părăsito pentru că era curvă.

Se știe, femeile sunt proase, majoritatea dacă nu chiar toate, și problema este că sunt chiar foarte proaste din păcate, marea majoritate de femei e sub limita inteligenței masculine, deci poți lua cel mai inteligent bărbat și îl poți pune lângă cea mai inteligentă femeie si poți vedea foarte ușor diferențele.

În fine să trecem la alt subiect de discuție, eu am fost marea majoritate a vremii singur, și pur și simplu am fost singur pentru că așa am vrut, nu duc lipsă nici de bani și nici de femei dar pentru mine asta mă cam lasă rece. Să știu că am o curvă la ușa casei mele.

Prieteni am puțini și ăia îi numeri pe degete, astfel că așa am ajuns să depind numai de mine pe lume.

Prietenii mei sunt mai mari ca mine, ei sunt un fel de oameni puerili care nu știu încă ce este suferința. Majoritatea problemelor pe care le am în relație cu prietenii și familia este că ei nici nu mă cunosc pe mine foarte bine, eu tind să cred că dacă îți pasă cu adevărat de o persoană faci totul ca să îi fie bine.

Multă lume iubește superficial în zilele de astăzi ei vor doar distracție și prăjeală. Adică o euforie de moment, pe mine asta mă lasă rece. Eu nu iubesc cu pula, eu iubesc cu capul, mintea sufletul ochii și inima. Pentru mine nu contează sexul, tot ce îmi pasă mie este să tind spre perfecțiune.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Am găsit metoda mea de descărcare

Știu, visez, și este un vis frumos, aproape ca o beție așa, când deschid ochii parcă simt vântul care adie.
Uneori mă întreb dacă sunt chiar bine iar alteori mă întreb oare dacă fac ceea ce trebuie. Habar nu am. Un lucru este singur, minciuna are picioare scurte și se va afla, dacă nu acum, mai încolo. Prietenii vin și pleacă, ei nu sunt mulți, singurătatea mă apasă seara târziu și eu îmi aprind o țigară, nu mai simt nimic în ultima vreme parcă aș lăsa totul baltă iubirea nu mi-o poate lua nimeni, doar eu cu sufletul meu. Împreuna, zi și noapte trece fără să visez, doar gânduri gânduri așa și pe dincolo.
Prietenia a devenit falsă la fel ca oamenii, nouă nu ne mai pasă de noi dar de o țară întreagă, lumea vrea bani și nu vorbe, vorbele pot rănii... Îi doare, acum simt și eu.
La fel de bine vă las cum v-am găsit.
Noapte bună.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

I chose to be smart and intelligent


Everybody has a choice and the choices you make define you, for all the people out there who are struggling with depression and anxiety and fear and anger and cruelty. For all the people who suffer in this world, I tell you now, you have a choice to change your life, so stand out stand tall, talk about your anxiety, talk about your problems, talk about what hurts you. Talk about you, come out stand out talk about yourself, let me see you let me feel you let me trust you let me hear you...

Let me know you, let me know the real you, let your words be fluent and sound like the wind against the shore of a coastline.

I was born in Romania on 14 June 1992. I am but a kid who has grown up so fast it never really bothered me to ask myself where did I go wrong. I was born in a military hospital in Bucharest.

I was furious and frustrated I suffered for years and years without any hope, until one day someone came up to me and said, hey, bro, are you ok? I know you, you are not crazy, come be my friend, so from that day everything changed in my life, I stopped watching TV I stopped lying to myself that I was a bad person and a cheater, I stopped stealing money. I stopped ruining my life.

All good, until one day I found out that my girlfriend was cheating on me. I was devastated, I was a wreck I had a panic attack on the spot, I yelled to the world and to god why would you do this to me I'm only 18 years old. But then I found the cure, and doctors told me it was psychiatric medication... I started taking drugs, prescription drugs, I still take them today, it felt good for a while until you get the side effects. Those suck.

I had side effects from my medication and I think I still have some of those even today. I'm 28 now and I don't have a child, I'm not married I had only four girlfriends all my life, two when I was sober and two when I was on medication, doctors told me I am bipolar and that I need treatment that I have anxiety and depression attacks and sometimes become a maniac...

Bipolar disease from what my doctor told me consists of having mental breakdowns with depression and maniacal episodes. I don't feel like I'm a maniac right now, to be honest, but anyway, the doctor also told me that I have psychotic episodes and need treatment, medical treatment for a long time, and that was back in 2014. It's been 6 almost 7 years since I take medical treatment for depression, anxiety, and mania.

Its been a while while I was on this medication, sometimes it was getting me high sometimes it was making me sleepy and sometimes I just feel very cold.

The coldness feeling that I get from time to time comes from the artificially created medication that I use, they are not natural, I mean my medication is not plant-based it's artificially created by man to stop some functions of the brain and body from going crazy.

They say my medication is the only thing keeping me normal and sane. But I do not agree to that, I think what is keeping me normal and sane is the fact that I make myself busy every day, I write, I stream video games, and I keep a journal, these are the things that make me normal. Not medication, they say I can't be normal anymore because I had a psychotic episode, I say they are crazy, the doctors are crazy to look what they did with COVID-19, the doctors are going insane, they are hallucinating, a person who keeps a journal, streams, and records video games, and writes on a blog is not crazy, he's an intellectual, and I will get to the bottom of this godforsaken truth.

They tortured me in hospitals for 6 years and tell me I am still sick this in going in the wrong direction my friends, how much can we lie? how much can we manipulate people? how much can we keep them under control? how much and for how many years can we keep people dumb and asleep while the big guys go out and have fun, how much can we as humans kill, forget, and blame one another for our own made misery, our own made hate, and our own made diseases, this has to stop one day, and I will be there the day it ends...

I loved one person


I loved one person, it was terrible, I still have nightmares with her, her name is forgotten, her duty is beheld, we shall meet again maybe in the afterlife, please forget me, please forget who I was as a person, don't look at me, run away, curse my name, leave all my place I still go to, leave everything behind, leave the world behind, my world is torn apart, the girl I loved hates me, every girl I meet is nothing but a shadow compared to that, only the memory of it is enough for me to come back to the same place, I feel alone, I feel like everybody is dying and I am too. I feel like nobody cares about this and nobody ever will, am I going to die alone?

What is with this question everything is so easy, every thought I had every sin I've made, it just took me further and further, long long time ago when I was a kid I didn't know that my life will be like this, I never knew... and even now I don't know what am I supposed to do in this situation.

What is your advice how can I overcome a lost love it still hurts...

I need money to buy a house


This article is for everybody who once struggled to buy a home. This article was made for all the people in the world who are homeless or just want to buy a home. We see you and we encourage you to do so. Houses are very expensive in these times. We want a house, a home, a place to belong, but do we actually need it? The world is spinning the planet is spinning around the sun, the climate is changing, time is going by, do we really need a place to stay or can we just move from a place to another?

I am asking this because I saw people struggling with debt and depression because they didn't have a house or a home to live in. I saw people living on the street looking for food, I saw people sleeping on the bench at night and day. How do we call them? Just homeless? Just give them one dollar to buy a beer?

I really think these people need help I really think these people should receive more attention than they currently have, I want to know more about this subject so I'm going to leave this right here. Why do we hate on people who do not have a home and they live on the street?

I'm not saying that I don't have a home I am just saying how could we do this? How can we make them recover how can they call that a life? The difference between us is huge, I have seen people so poor they don't have food on the table, I have seen so much poverty in the world that I am amazed by it. There are people so rich that they buy islands or land on the moon and I have seen people who die because they don't have food.

Can we call ourselves human if we witness these spikes of richness? What is money in fact but just a paper we run around from one to another. What is real money? What are we fighting for here?

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

People talk shit.


I have met a lot of liars in my life, most of the lies come from frustration and stupidity, my lies are not that way, I lie to save myself I don't lie because I don't like a certain person I just feel like lying is stupid now, but most people feed on the lies you talk about so when they are hungry they start talking bullshit about you. This happened to me more than once and I regret not having the last word, most people who talk shit about me don't even know me that way. They just invent some silly stories like I am crazy and stuff like that, that is so untrue, I am not crazy I am very sane and stable, I also feel like most people don't really like me because they have not met me yet but also I get this vibe of hate again maybe because I am white?

The fear


I am afraid that one day I will tell my parents that I am not on medicine anymore, I am afraid that if I tell my parents that I don't take my pills it will get worse after all, what can happen if I don't take my pills anymore?

Good question, if I don't take my medicine what can happen? I really don't know I have been taking drugs for about six years now and I can't feel a thing except for being sleepy all the time, it just makes me numb.

All these pills make me numb, I am a numb person. I can't feel a thing, I take drugs from my doctors to feel better but the feelings never fade away, they just sit there in my heart all the time, feeling like this makes me anxious, the drugs I take for a while now have been kicking in everytime I take them, after I take them at night I fall asleep almost instantly, I can't even move my face.

What the fuck is going on now boys? You take medicine to feel better but it just makes you dizzy, holy shit. This is insane I take pills for 6 years and I feel like shit, these are the doctors who tell you about health they give you pills to make you numb.

Make you feel worthless and nothing because they think they are smarter than you, rofl.

In Romania doctors ain't shit, they just flee the country for more money, they don't give a damn about this country. In Romania doctors abuse power not politicians. Doctors have the power to lock you in a mental hospital while the police locks you in jail , so what is the actual difference between a doctor and a police officer? None.

For the Love of Money


For the love of money, there is nothing much to say about money I got links on my blog you can find them to download money making programs and earn passive income, the love of money is real most people like money for the things that they can buy, there is nothing to be ashamed of, money will come to you if you respect your promises, if you come home with a broken heart and pockets empty then it is bad for you, I feel like this because I also know how it is to have nothing in your pockets, I also live on the verge of existence, I am broke but a cute broke guy.

I need more money to supply for my needs but money as we speak it won't come to me if I spend it on useless things like love cars and females, I don't need no prayer to bring me wealth, all I need is a good sense of humor and pockets full of cash, people need money to survive, I need money for my own pleasure, I only need the money I can buy, but the money I spend is useless to me, only love for the big boys.

Ok so money is a necessity in these days, money is very versatile money is luxury money is something you go out late at night for your night shifts to get home and eat your salad because you are vegan.

I'm not saying money is bad I'm just saying that money is useless, if you feel useless then you also love money.

Money is useless for two reasons : one you always have money and two you always need money. You can never have enough money, money is infinite.

Play with my feelings


I'm a cute guy, I had some girlfriends, my last one was a gypsy girl, who I used to spend time with, she was awesome but beautiful she was great and wonderful, I have only kind words to say, people like me and she were like inseparable, we used to spend so much time at my house and clean and cook, I don't have a job so my parents would give us money, we had a great time together but she decided to leave me for whatever reason. Every girl decides to leave a man is not because she hates him, she just wants something else for her. She needs new experiences she was younger than I am, and we would have a good time.

We like to spend time alone because we feel like we are not enough for the right person, when money comes between partners be sure it will be a disaster, money can't replace love.

Money can buy you cars and cool stuff but money is not a feeling you can't feel money that is absurd.

You can't have feelings for cash I mean what the hell, I would love money but I would not love girls.

I would love money more than girls or myself, I would love profit. I would love to make a living, I would love work, I would love my job, this is insane, people don't love the money they love the things money can buy them. Money is a good substitute for a person if you miss someone goes buy a frappucino and you will feel better.

Evil is the money that brings chaos and pain to its holders, Evil is the money who has spilled blood upon, evil is the money you give to buy people.

My love

My love is actually very big, I don't feel right now I'm having one of those bad days right now because I have spent 10 lions or iron on a slot machine at the casino, my dad gave me money to buy coffee and I spent it on slot machines, now I feel sad because I started playing those games, I just can't seem to cope with them anymore you always want to spend more on them there is never enough, nothing can calm my thirst for cash, nothing... I am always looking for new methods of earning money, always, I think about it every night and every day, how can I get rich, how can I make money I am so poor...
I hate this money is on my mind non stop.
This is sad because even if I hand enough money I still could not be happy. I wouldn't get that satisfaction I need to go on, even if I had the cash I would probably waste it.
Spending money on useless things like luxury cars and stuff like that is just stupid.
Alot of stupid people have a lot of money in the bank. They work every night and every day to make a living, and they work for others, I work for myself.
I want to be my own boss, I want to work for me, I want to get rich.
I want to be a billionaire.
I want to be successful in what I do everyday. It is a lot of hard work to do. I know, but eventually, you will find a way, or make a way to earn more money than now.
If you don't find a way you have to make one.

You had a bad day ❤️

Every time I see a good luck sign I wonder if that thing is specially made for me, I wonder if I own something, and I think about it day on and day in. I used to think at alot of things, I used to jave a lot of shit on my mind but now its just empty, I can't think of anything straight up. I had alot of issues growing up as a kid, I had teeth problems and I also had a big head.
As a kid I always liked to climb trees. It was those years before the smartphones were invented. Everybody would go outside and play and I think that is brilliant.
People like me with my disorder have alot of uncommon things to do like , when you go ahopping or go to the casino or eat with friends, they really enjpy a good time, people like me are always furios at something, always raging on and on and on with complete nonsense.
We like to go outside and play, we like to hang out in the club, have sex, enjoy dinner parties and so on.
The complete guide to my profession is skill, a lot of skill, you need this to go up and not stay down, skill is mandatory in my profession.
I will soon start college and I wonder if I am going to do the same things I used to do. Because sometimes I feel like nothing is changed, we are all the same, every time, just like robots.

Look insode of you 🥺

We all have to look for someone eventually. I am not good with money, I spend alot of money on useless things, I do not like being poor. Also my addiction to slot machines is something I should worry about. I just try to live day by day and take whatever life throws at me, I don't like being shy, and I don't like being wrong. When I feel that I am right I hope to see another tomorrow. I guess we should walk a mile in each others shoes. To see what I see, to feel what I feel. I see sunshine and rain, I see people and places, I see memories and dreams, I see success and defeat, I see life and death. I see problems and solutions, I see rich famous people and poor beggars, I see the whole world collapsing to my body, I see the sun as it is, I see and touch and feel the rain as it showers upon us, just remember a bad day is not a bad life. Take things as they are, be respectful and humble, be nice and be polite, be rich not poor.
Find someone who feels like you and never let them go, find love, find happiness, find fulfillment, don't be average and mediocre, be great and famous, stand tall and proud you are a piece of art, and artists never die. We love you.

My addiction to slot machines and casinos

I just lost 10 ron at the local casino, I am addicted to gambling, I have this addiction for a few years now, I can't stop playing from time to time, I have been a few times now, I don't gamble or bet every day, its just there, my addiction, I lost all my money on a slot machiene, the money my dad worked for I lost them in 2 minutes, I felt so used and useless I feld so bad that I lost my money and I thought I should share this feeling with you.
It feels empty, it feels like nothing is in you or around you, its just pointless to play anymore, I feel and felt so bad for betting my 10 lions or ron, I feel stupid now, now I know where all the stupid shit comes from, the casino. I need to quit this and save my money it really hurts to know that I still play this since 2016. Its been a long time coming, this addiction of mine is really there and I need to overcome it, I need to find new ways to spend my money on, the casino is not the solution, I am sorry...

Every day is a new beginning, every day is a new challenge


When I say this, don't think of me as an actor, think of me as a poet, I like to rhyme but rhyming does not define me.
I am always on the run, always on the go, maybe if I found something for myself, a hobby a job anything...
I always go and come, as the sun rises and sets at night.
I am more of a human being distracted from the truth but don't realize that the truth is in me, I am the truth.
Being a poet is hard enough I need more stamina, I need more people to like me, I need more friends to hang out with, come together and join the fray, this is the Illuminati speaking.
I am illuminated, I am illuminated, I have the third eye open, I am awake, I have real dreams to accomplish, I am young but I am not a fool.
I come here to bring peace on earth, to end the wars, to end this war.
If I can save an insect from dying I can save mother earth and all nature from dying, we will survive mom, I trust you.

Monday, September 21, 2020

My father is a hero.


I have a dad. Who is my hero, I have admired him since I was a kid, I have loved him so much over all these years, I cared for him, supported him, and gave him all my love.
I am my father's boy. My father is my hero, my protection, my shield, my dear dad.
He will never read this but I know that deep down inside of him he loves me too.
He always told me he didn't want to be alone, that I had to stick by his side because he felt lonely.
I am with you dad, you are in my heart, never forget that I love you so, you are my pride and everything, you are my father, you are my strength.
You are the reason I smile dad when I wake up. 
I will never leave you dad, love Cata.

Kind heart.


I love the way you write, I love everything about you. I love every woman, every girl, every mother.
I always love and respect something I am proud of.
My love for my family and women and nature is infinite.
You cannot say how many things I took after me when I left.
I took it all.
I took it all to the heart.
I took it all in, all my pain and struggles and my sorrow.
It is sad, but it is possible. When you believe in yourself. I feel it, I feel you.
Kind people reading this message, there is someone outside of you who really and deeply cares about you forever wherever you are.
Never forget and forgive everybody.
We are all one big happy family together.
This is you and this is me, we are one nature, one human, one being.
Have peace and kindness within you friends...

My country is my pride.


I will live and die in Romania, this is my country my soul my everything my all.


I live for my country, FOR MY PEOPLE. FOR MY FAMILY.

I live to defend Romania.

I am a child of this country.

I am a patriot, I live to serve Romania and all Romanians.

I live to love my country and die by the Romanian flag.

I live in my country.

My country is my soul my body and my blood.

The blood of my ancestors.

The blood of my people.

The blood of millions of men and women and children who fought to live in a free world.

The blood of all humans who served under their flag.

The blood of all patriots.

The blood of a thousand men aching in despair to protect everything they loved in this life.

The blood of a human.

We are Romanians. We will never give up. We will never give in. We will never surrender. We are one.

Trust the process


There is a process in which we humans are born and raised its called growing up, when you become an adult you know things that you didn't know before this is called maturity.

When you reach a certain age you start to see people differently you start to feel new things growing up inside of you you have a sense of delicate smell you feel things like you are reborn and you start seeing things like they were never true or false they just are.

You feel amazed about this new perspective brought to you by numerous people that you can feel them you have a sense of complacent you see different perspectives like augmentation and start realizing virtual reality better and better and what can this bring into your life with different other perspectives and so on.

You bring to the world a new idea of the idea of being complacent the idea of revitalization and irrigation, the idea of surprise, you never would expect this to happen and it did.

You fell new not because you are a baby but because you have awakened, you feel revitalized by new images and sensations each day passing you feel the freshness of the air calling you by your real name.


And the people start adapting to your new ways...

All the people that I love are my family.


All the people that I have ever loved and will ever love are my family.
It does not matter where you come from or where you are going to respect people always.
My friends are my family, my people are my family, my loved ones are my family, we are just one big happy family we share the same values and same ideas we are friends and family and loved ones.
I never judge a book by its cover so I am saying this because I always thought that friendships, good friendships last forever.
Real friendship is never lost.
Real people are never forgotten.
Always listen to your heart.
Please be patient with yourself.
You will find love, you will find your family, you will succeed.
Have faith in yourself, always trust yourself, and have confidence, always be confident about yourself.
You are the best version of yourself today.
So make today count.
You have been loved, you are loved, and you will be loved forevermore.
People love you for you they do not disrespect you they just care about you.
Real friends stay forever.
Real people trust themselves.
Real people are always real.
Real men and women never hurt you they protect you.
Humanity has been restored upon us.
Faith in Humanity Restored.

I forgot I loved you.


To all the girls I loved to all the women I loved and to all the childhood memories I have, I need to let it all go, I need to forget everything, I need to let you go, I need to let our love go, I need to forget you.

I am not sorry I need to move on I need to leave the past behind me, I need to find new love, a new girl, a new woman to share my passion and devotion to, all my past girlfriends were awesome, all of you, I will never regret loving you but I need you to know that I have moved on and I am fine without you, I didn't make this decision by myself you did too.

You decided to leave me so I decided to forget you. An eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. If you leave me I forget you, If you cheat on me I will leave you and I will not be sorry about it. I can't stand cheaters liars and so on...

Love is not easy, real love hurts, basic love heals, powerful love empowers, and so on... There are many kinds of love, which one would you choose? The love I've chosen to become is the love left in me by so many women that I have been with, all their gifts are with me anytime, I have left, loved, and forgiven so much, and I still have to love and forgive further in my life, all I need is a little patience and everything will be ok.

For all the heartbroken people out there I have a message: "Don't lose hope, and don't forget to forgive" Forgiving is the only medicine to a broken heart. Forgiving heals your heart and soul, forgiving is divine and its sent to us by God.

I have God in me as long as I forgive, when I stop forgiving I will probably die but I will die with my heart thinking at God... this is the way I want to die.

I will die a happy man, even if I die today and today was my last day, I would die a happy man.

I will start moving on, I will find love again, I will love again, with all my heart, never forget who I was but I'm dying to meet the new man I have become.

God Bless! 

My Path

My path was full of highs and lows of ups and downs, I have been defeated I have been victorious but sometimes I felt disappointed by the people I have loved, at the end of my life I would like to say that it was a cool ride, I loved it I was born to love all men and women and all life, I was born to love life. 

This is what I would say about me, that I'm a lover, I'm a gamer, and I will be a father, I will always rise again and again, life is a never-ending cycle, you win some you lose some, you win again and again and again until you won at life.

I feel like a winner because of the satisfaction I get from my work, I really feel like I'm doing the right thing, the thing that I was meant to do, I never felt this way before, it was like a cataclysm...

Until the day I leave this earth for you my loved ones I leave a trace of love and a path to follow me in my footsteps...

I leave kindness and love and appreciation, I leave a path of fulfillment and love and peace to all mankind and all living ones...

I leave a path not forgotten but forgiven... I leave a path of kings, a life of a great king... a life meant to be lived by only the strong and understood only by the bravest women.

My path is a path of love and peace of forgiveness and enjoyment, of pleasure and sadness...

My path was meant to be remembered.

I am remembered, I will not be forgotten, people will love me again.


Come to the Dark Side we have cookies

 I am here and feeling blue because all of these comes from you.
I feel sad and depressed because when you left you left me undressed.
You told me you ain't never going away.
I told you I'm here to stay.
Romania is my homeland.
I forgive and I forget what the home means because of you.
I will always stay true.
You forgive me I forget.
Because you left me full of regret.
You told me the sun will shine.
I told you the moon is in line.
Brave soldiers have fought.
To protect and not forget, the land of the broken temple, of the people of the temple.
We forgive and then forget because people like you I regret.
I wish I never met you because you make me feel like the color blue.
Violets are red, this room is blue, when you think of me I feel you.
What do you feel after all this time? When my feelings for you aren't worth a dime?
I feel you because you see what is good and left in me.
I have felt like a man, I respect the woman all the time.
Woman where are you? You left me singing this song and feeling blue...

Romania is my home❤️

Romania is my home, my birth land. I was born in Bucharest on 14 of june 1992. I was born under the sign of the gemini of the zodiac. I am a gemini born june 14 in Romania in the year 1992 I'm 28 at this moment.
I am witing from the park right now.
Its dark, its september. The cold is kicking in. Romania is brutal, Romania is force, we love Romania for its full throttle build. It is the best country of the world. In Romania everything is possible, even bad luck. You can go outside and feel nothing at all. Everybody performs well right here. Even the birds are alive and well, Romania is the land of forgiveness, a great pharaoh was born here in 1992 and thats me🙂 this is my country my birthland and I will do anything necesary to protect it.
Everybody comes and goes but here is just a world of people who just go insane in a blink of an eye they just collapse and wait until they go again in the caroussel.
Romania is the best country if you want to visit sometimes in the woods or the beach they just got everything you need tourism here is just as awkward as usual. They just want to go outside and play. We are here to protect the land, protect Romania and protect ourselves, we do not like people who tell us what to do so we rebel and riot and protest until we go insane. We just think at this moment the way all of people do. We just sit back and go crazy , we start halucinating and please everybody else.

Third Eye Open

Many people deny the fact that we have three or more eyes on our body. I believe we have more than three eyes. The third eye open process begins when you are empty of yourself, when you feel nothing when you are gone. Thats when you have your third eye open when you fall into the void. When you are empty of yourself, ahen you feel emphathetic when you feel empathy, if you are an empath you should know that your third eye is open. The eye of the mind or the mind's eye is the eye of your brain, besides the two eyes which you can see conciously, subconsciously you see with your third eye, so you know its there. Well and the third eye has a number of factors, you are awake, you are asleep, or you are dead, the third eye continues to see after death also, you may be dead but your spirit sees a while after your passing into thd afterlife.
Third eyes open are usually used to describe mythological or antropological objects as thoughts , in our history men and women didn't think all thee time they had phases of thinking conscious and unconscious, people thought about thinking like they would think with different parts of their body which is untrue. We can think with our whole being being conscious makes our spirit alive.
Conscious thinking happends when you are awake and you meditate. Meditation is used to raise the vibrational field you deliver in the world and the vibrations around you. We are nothing but water and bone so think in waves or even fractional realities may come and go as you experience life itself, you can think of yourself as an alien or extraterestial being or even as a bird. You may think of yourself as a reptile which is untrue, at some point in life we all were nothing but unicelular beings like bacteria or even viruses. We were nothing but murlocs in the sea after that we evolved into beings and pur evolution started from the birth of nature, with the birth of nature there was the birth of everything, nature is all around us, our skin is made of molecules found also in trees and grass, pur thoughts are nothing but images as we conceive and see with our eyes, and yes you can see thoughts 🙂

The journey of a reformed man 🙂

I have been cheated, I have cheated on I was with many girls until now, I was with alot of girls...
Girls and women to me are like flowers, some bloom some remain small and some die young.
Women for me are like the wind, sometimes its fast, sometimes its steady and sometimes we miss it because its too hot outside.
Women today are made of ideas and literacy in fact they think in a way women from long ago did not even dream about. Women today think at men and boys and even girls. Women today feel the need for apreciation which they cannot find in other women. Women today need one man who cares about them and respects them. Women today need me. A happy woman is the most beautiful thing on earth. I want to make my woman happy. I want to be a great father, I want to win at life. I want to be happy. I don't want to feel that void anymore. I got a void inside of me like a force field drawing everybody in. It feels amazing. But I am not ill. I am happy. I want to change, I want to see, I want to wake up, I want to wake up every morning thinking I am the luckiest man alive. I wish all men would look at women the way I do, they are so beautiful. A woman is like a flower like a vase like a buttercup. Women are so beautiful and soft they like to be the best just like me. Women love me for who I am not fpr who I pretend to be. A real woman will feel this. Real women love the fact that I can make them feel so real and so alive again. Women love the way I touch them and feel me for what I have become over the years, I have matured so much since I was a kid. Yesterday I talked about girls and now I talk about women. Thats life...

Some people are happy some people are sad

I have been sad for a while. Facebook blocked me, instagram still works, love is beautiful, everywhere I go just looks better than where I was before, things are starting to happen, people leave and people come. Its just a cycle. Love is a cycle women have menstruation and menopause. Women can carry children, but what do us males do? I don't know. Women do all the job in raising a kid. If I had a boy I would name him Bogdan and if I had a girl I would name her Sonya.
Sonya and Bogdan my children boy and girl. Sonnia would be a beautiful lady and Bogdan a veautiful boy. These are just dreams, fantasies in my head. I write this because my imagination works I can create anything I write and I really have ideas, boys and girls all along there was something missing. Me as a father , boy oh boy I wish I was a father. A good father to my kids. I wish I was a dad. Its time to make a family. Its time to raise my children. Its time to make things happen for us. No more waiting. I have been waiting all my life. Its time to grow up kids.

I am here to live 🙂

Nobody is perfect and neither am I but we all make mistakes in life. I just want to say that I am really happy and I enjoy my life the way it is. If I can improve it then so be it. People change and so do I. I just have to keep up with the pace with the change. I came to earth to do good and I will do good as long as you love me and I feel love. People die each day. Then why should we complain with living a bad life?
You should go and make your parents proud not make them cry before they fell asleep.
I am proud of my parents even if we fight. I have a bad feeling about this but anyway.
I love the way girls are on my back all the time.
Love the way women treat me. They love me.
I love the way a girl touches her hair. I love the way a girl touches her lips. I love the way any girl looks at me. I love women. I love girls. I love females. A woman made me and a woman will make my sons or daughters. So why cry about being single with all these girls around when you feel hopeless. It is like a void inside of you reaching, creeping, beneath the skin. The force of gravity pulls you to me. I am like the sun. I am like the earth. I have a force field around me. My heart is like the earth's core you get pulled to it. I have a heart of gold. I am not mad. I am powerful, I am big and beautiful.
I am attractive.

The Road to Zion

Something beautiful is about to happen. Just wait and see. Many people of my generation have been abducted by aliens.
Can you see them? They have been taken by extraterestrials and put to sleep by a magnetic force of the heaven. Zion is a place of wonder is a place just like Azeroth, it keeps on giving even if we take more than we give, it's just a place of beautiful magic and wonder. Many of us may have been told that we are alone in the universe. Well we are not. There are people here from other dimensions who are waiting for a call back to heaven.
We came, we saw, we conquered. This is veni vidi vici.
We saw, we conquered. That is the point of us all. We are here to spread love not hate so lets all get along. I come from a different world a different dimension and I say fuck them. We don't need haters so fuck off. Ok when you see me on my bike just quit yelling. We are the people who made this change long time ago. We came to set a higher purpose for our brothers and sisters. We came here to do what nobody else can, we are unique and special we are robots we are human.
The road to zion means that each path you take in life will eventually lead you back to the same place like you were running in circles, everything is a cycle. You come back to see deeper truths 🙂

Hey guys, I'm back 🙂

Waddup people, I'm coming back to blogging after a long break.
I've been streaming and recording World of Warcraft videos and Heroes of the Storm.
Its been a while since we've met.
I am here to present you the all new and reformed man Asethabalanar which is me.
I am here to speak and talk about problems that might concern you or your loved ones.
People like me are very common.
I've been through some stages in life I can't seem to be able to talk about right now.
Its been a while since we have talked and it keeps me going on through life.
It feels like all my life I have been living a lie.
I was lied to manipulated and used by people all my life.
Nobody understands me, I am sick, I have been lied to.
Everybody thinks they have a purpose until that purpose is gone.
I am here to write about my problems not to lie about them.
My life, my lie was all along with us in our adventures.
Nobody can tell me nothing.
I am here because I chose to, I can be my own man, I can cook, brew, drink, see , watch , hear and feel.
These things make up the best in me. I am so sorry I can't be what you want. I am what I am. I am so sorry for it. People think I am crazy but I am not. Many of you think I should be gone. Well I ain't gone yet. I'm here to stay.
People might say or do crazy things, but today I am stable.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

I have anxiety attacks


I have anxiety attacks, sometimes I feel good, sometimes I feel bad, but just sometimes I feel nothing.

It literally feels like a claw on your chest whenever you try to do something for the first time or engage in an activity.

This is really scary because when you feel this way your whole world shifted in front of you, it feels like you're constantly changing all the time doing new stuff and having such a great time remembering all the fun times you had.

Sometimes it feels like a lifetime ago when you get back on your feet after going to the doctor and saying, Hey I'm fine, what about you tell me what to do now.

It just feels horrible that I have to depend on anyone these days, I want to be my own man, I want to have my own house, I want to see the world, all the wonders of the world, I want to break free.

I want to go out and visit all kinds of places, virtually or in-person it does not matter.

You just have to go, I'm going to have to let you go this time. But I promise you the next time we meet. I won't be so friendly about it.