Thursday, May 4, 2023

The Storm

 You know what I am talking about the storm? The Storm is calling, sometimes you need a little push to wake up from the Storm, you make waves and you call up the clouds and sometimes we need more riders on the storm to make things happen, while some people ignore the storm some ride on it , the clouds they make it happen and some of them are afraid of it, but there is nothing to be afraid of you need the money to survive but you need a home also some place you belong and sometimes it comes sometimes it doesn't, to be creative means to find new ways of making money to survive, money is a survival tool if you know, you know, we need more women and we need to stop slacking and we need to work on something, either you are working out or you are chilling you have to do something to get yourself unstuck you know what I mean? The Storm yeah it's calling but not everybody will answer some are lost forever while some come back to life, that's just how it works.


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