Thursday, May 4, 2023


 There is a Hero in Heroes of the Storm which is called Blaze, it has flames which it bursts out into the enemy, you could say it catches fire, but he is also like a fireball going through enemies you could compare that to Ragnaros which sends Lava waves down the lanes, it's crazy how people confuse these two but they are quite similar and both can use flame as a weapon, Sulfuras Hammer can deal damage and heal him but to be stronger it needs regeneration globes, these health potions help your immune system regenerate health so you look younger and never age, this is funny I think we all need kind of a thistle tea, but it was on my mind to create some kind of potion I mean some kind of regeneration mechanism which is used in nature to keep you young and I think it is possible not just to look in the mirror but to feel yourself getting younger and younger, I read this in a book one time that you could cheat death by staying forever young people will never know the difference because you may be 30 but you look 18 so this is funny why people want to age when they can be forever young? asking them?

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