Thursday, May 4, 2023

Leading my people

 As a leader I have the responsibility to ensure that my people live safely without too much risk, we don't want to die or lose ourselves in this process called life so in order to avoid mistakes we have to unite and think in a way as a team, as us, not just I, so we have to think like a team so how do we grow how do we improve our talents and so on, this is the right thinking, as a team, not as a person, as multiple persons, like a group , but this group can only be formed with thinking and inducing into the mind the commands that you need to work, you need to get money, you have kids, you have to provide, we need a victory and another one because my people are hungry and I am their advocate and if they do not have the tools to put their ideas into immortality I will be their guide to the light.

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