I am now Awaken and I will bring Terror upon this land, beware, terrorists incoming, guard your money, they trying to steal it, beware, dogs are incoming, they defend it, beware, people are hallucinating, there goes a time that never ends.
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Get jabbin or get going
Yeh men this is all about us, all about or freedom, all about our life, this is magnificent, this is the real thing, go on, move on, get a better life, get a better job, change your life change your perspective on life, change everything about you, this is for you men go change, forever in peace, go on, make a move, be the best, do what you can do and you see yourself doing right right now.
Be the best version of yourself, go be supreme, go be a lover, go be a fighter, go be anything you want to be in this life because this is your moment and don't ruin it, it will be all ok trust me on this one, I am a motivational speaker and I know.
Go out there and do right never come back and run forever. This is peace, thank you for your kindly attention.
Got to talk about it
Yesterday while I was home I had the worst nightmare, I dreamed about being the Pudge of Warcraft, I dreamed about the game, I dreamed about Blizzard Entertainment. It was bad it was very very bad, it was the worst nightmare I ever had I thought I was an abomination or some sort, it was awful I thought I was Stitches, God Damn, nightmares everywhere, people dream about it but don't talk about it and I think that is the saddest part.
Open up bro what could possibly go wrong it is your life you are living it make money out of it live to your true potential, stop crying and make it work, nothing lasts forever not even your own life, so man up and get going get jabbin and get going, go on, move on, build an empire, built your own house, build your own home, make your life worth living, isn't this what this life is all about?
Crying won't make it easy on you, go for fuck sake and make a living, get a job, pay the bills, pay the taxes, go vote, do whatever, bro. it is your responsibility to survive here, and no one else alone.
Be the best or fuck with the rest. Amen.
Monday, November 23, 2020
This life is dangerous
The online world is a big piece of shit they deserve that I'm going home rolling on the defensive tonight no worries and sleep tight the bugs will get you snorlex.
Thanks and hasta la vista babies.
All that bullshit
If you were wondering why I hated on you ask yourself this question, is it really worth it? Is it worth the trouble, Do you want to see me lose? What's in it to you? You really care? What if I lose or win? What's the big deal, You want me to lose so you can win, I will lose but I'm eventually going to win again no worries.
How about that?
30 day trial blocked on facebook
I also got banned on facebook for cursing, this is just not fair have these people gone mad, one thing is I pay them and after that they just kick me through the door what the fuck is wrong with you people, ei?
You crazy disrespecting people like that and after that just banning them for no reason from your applications, fuck you man I don't need that shit have your dirty ass money I don't care.
I just got banned on Tinder
I just got banned on Tinder after paying for Tinder Plus a subscription that has gotten out of my pocket 100 RON and that is it, they just banned me for no reason I was just scrolling and my account got banned for not respecting their policy after I paid them the money after a few days they just deleted my account, this is what you get for trusting shady companies.
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Scaparea din matrixul religios
Scaparea din matrixul religios este simpla, atunci cand iti dai seama ca tu defapt esti copilul lui Dumnezeu acest Dumnezeu fiind peste tot deci omnipotent iti dai seama ca defapt religia este o munciuna pe care multi o inghit ca o pastila pentru ca nu au altceva in ce sa creada, eu am scapat din locul ala destul de simplu, nu am acceptat doctrina lor si am plecat, ma duceam duminica la biserica ascultam sujba si cu cat vorbeau mai mult preotii cu atat imi venea sa il vand pe dumnezeul lor si sa imi fac eu propriul habitat, cand vedeam toti oamenii aia prosti acolo ascultand si dand din cap miam dat seama ca rugaciunea este defapt o farsa ieftina, si asa si este, numele meu este Asethabalanar iar botezul este o gluma, religia este un cacat ca sa va tina sub control nu este decat un strat.
Anii sunt mai vechi de 2000 nici macar anul in care a murit isus nu este adevarat neputand fi masurat anul 0 au avut o sansa au vazut ocazia si v-au tras peste ochi numaratoarea, e simplu totul tine de ocazii aici, cu cat ai mai multe ocazii si prinzi momentul cu atat ii poti pacalii mai usor pe oameni, netinand seama de anul 0 atunci vei realiza ca noi oamenii suntem mai vechi de 2000 de ani, aia este doar o limita sa nu poti trece peste bariera respectiva, si este adevarat religia nu este decat o minciuna, o gogoasa sa va sperie, rai iad nu exista e totul o iluzie, daca nu crezi asta citeste biblia si te vei lamurii, un om nu poate traii 700 de ani nici daca il faci robot tot ramane fara curent.
Friday, November 20, 2020
The slaves of a natural world
The guess I have is that we are the slaves of nature, we are here given a purpose in life, our life, we are merely the walk through of nature, nature living inside of us and calling out our name, Asethabalanar, this is my natural name and my birth given name is Gabriel Catalin Baltac, but my true nature calls out for me in the form of Asethabalanar, that is my natural cause and while I still have this natural given Name Asethabalanar I am nothing but the slave of nature the Worker of the great infinite wisdom, I need to read books and explain myself in this form so you can see and watch myself in manifestation of my natural causes.
This is not even a lie or worse the Truth, I live by the worldy name of Gabriel Catalin Baltac but my inner being's name is Asethabalanar, I don't know it feels just like I am living those two lives the Agent Smith said to Neo in the Matrix.
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
The omega speed
Monday, November 16, 2020
Good Karma
Friday, November 13, 2020
If you can't be loyal then stay the fuck away from me
Thursday, November 5, 2020
Back that ass up
Yah back it up swallow it turn that shit around and come to me, I know you forgive me just take me back in that ass I know you want it slut, you know you want me bitch, come back again to me and just fuck me harder, you little fucking slut you are my bitch now, hahahahaha.
Thanks for the support guys I really appreciate it, I'm a noob I know but I'm trying my best to please you I am a pleasure seeker I confess this shit is going out of my hands now so take care of yall
I'm backing this shit away
When you gotta go you gotta go, this time I forgot what I said but it's still there coming to my presence, I promise I won't let you down this time but it sucks being this way with this mental illness it fucking sucks, so anyway forgot what I said forgot what I did get back on the plane and fly away, go home you're drunk style, anyway this change I got ain't going to rule forever so ain't got no shots left, told you guys I'm coming back so say thank you for the broken promises I give because you ain't getting back none of my shits
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Jokes on you
Well this year got fucked up, nothing to do no one to see nothing to experience just void and the void in myself is killing me several times a day I start thinking if this should be the way but I can't do it anymore it's like some foul spirit takes over me each time I press the button it's the three spirits of the dead lurking around here this place we're all bound to die when the time comes but how do we live actually matters the most not how you die, everybody can die but how do you live is what counts every fucking single day and I'm not joking about this one you better get you're shits up.