Monday, April 10, 2023


You only get one wish, and what would you wish for if you only got one wish? This is the hardest question for me because I do not know yet what I want but if I had only one wish to go I would wish I was rich, because when you have a lot of money things get really really easy and stuff like that. i always wanted to have more money than most people and not to prove them wrong but I can have money and still respect people around me, you know? If I had one wish I wish I had all the money in the world to give back to people who don't have that much money, I'm not saying I would save the world, but in a way I would definitely give back to certain people in my life, this is my one wish I would wish for, to never worry about money again, and have all the money I need to do anything in life, I think it's a beautiful wish because people don't hurt people because of money, there are a lot of sentimental issues that lead to hurting people but it's never for money, sometimes it is for personal reasons which I will not say here, but just so you know, if I had one wish, I would wish I was rich.

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