Monday, April 10, 2023

What is happiness?

Does happiness mean connection? Or what does it mean? What does connection mean? To be connected with other people, like spiritually speaking in the metaphysical way, you feel drawn to certain people sometimes and I think it is because of your feelings and your desire to stay connected to certain things in life, it is the law of attraction but what does it mean to be happy? To stay connected to those who you love and love you back or just to be in a way happy about your life and not being in denial of certain things, I am not good with girls, to say, but maybe those girls are not for you, and you can be good to the girls that fight for you, but if some girls want to fight you then you have to fight back , fight them, because the law of attraction can give you good stuff and bad stuff at the same time, so for me to be happy means to stay clear and stay aware of thi gs that are going on in my life and not to lose myself in the process that I am becoming this beautiful person I always wanted to be, to me happiness is seeking connection , seeking love, and just doing my own stuff, being creative, making art, just creating stuff from scratch, this is what makes me happy, being able to create something I only can do, if you understand this you will know what connection means to you and other people around you, so don't be afraid to fall, sometimes we fall just to get up stronger than we previously were and that is ok.

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