Thursday, April 13, 2023

To Wake Up

You know the movie "The Matrix" where they talk about Neo and how he was chosen to "wake up"? Imagine you are Neo and you choose to wake up, who can stop you? If you choose to wake up from a dream that no longer serves you, who can stop you? Again I am saying, if you want to make more money, who can stop you? And who can make you quit? Only you can do that, only you can make you quit. Only you can sabotage yourself into believing you can't do this. If you think you can wake up or that you can make more money from your business you can stop you? Only you can stop yourself, only you can sabotage yourself into believing you can't live a normal life, you can't escape fear, you can't wake up, you can't make more money. All I am saying is that we are in control of ourselves 100% of the time, so if you think you can't do something because it's too big or you got to be somewhere at 9 o'clock in the morning you are wrong, you can't do that because all you do is say you can't do it to yourself, I am calling out some people today who said I can't be this and I can't be that, I am who I am because I have chosen to be this way, I have chosen to follow those people who love and inspire me, if you are not being inspired by somebody you have to let them go, because to win you have to take chances, and the bigger the chances are the higher the reward, so take chances in life, smoke that cigar, drink that beer, go have some fun for a while and then come back stronger, my point is to be conscious of your actions you have to believe in yourself, it is true that waking up from a bad dream can make you feel uncomfortable but the way I see it taking chances helps you a lot because it makes you realise that life has more to offer than just a regular job at a bank or something like that, you have to take chances and step into the unknown for you to see the real life they talk about.

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