Thursday, April 13, 2023


I have been thinking on and on how could I make more money, I had a dream where I was rich so you know I can take that chance, my dream was to make so much money that it would be very hard for me to be poor again, I want to have a lot of money because I need to buy food and get more stuff that I like, I need money to feed my family and never have to go to work again in my life, I do not want to work for it at a regular job it would be very inspiring to me to make money the way I want to for me, not just doing stuff for other people and getting paid poorly for it, I know I can make some money in this zone, in this environment where I am standing at, but it will not be easy and it will not be fast, so take chances, take calculated risks, not to brag about who and what happend but to risk is to feel alive again, so I am seeking this new opportunity for me to investigate and know how can I get my hands on real wealth, how can I get my hands on a lot of money doing something I am talented at and not begging or seeking approval from others, I want to do my own this, build my own company and especially to take my own decisions in life.

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