Thursday, April 13, 2023

Making of a Legend

When I first introduced to League of Legends I thought "What a childish copy of DotA" but as I started getting into the game I thought "this shit has potential" so I played it, for a while I was good at it, but one moment and I snapped, I don't know how I failed but it took me several years to find out. I was doing something wrong , I was comparing League of Legends to DotA , that was my first mistake, the games are in the same family tree both beibg a MOBA but are quite different, as soon as I understood that I can't handle it i quit, but the game was still there, I thought to myself "What can I do?" There are people out there who can play way better than me I feel like shit, so I sought something simillar to LoL and found Heroes of the Storm, I love the game too much now to quit, so what can I do, if I have two games now, I'm not saying it's impossible to play both games but, I reached a level where I can do a lot of stuff but I am lazy, and that being said I admit I am lazy there is no doubt, to reach excellence I have to practice, so don't be surprised if you see me in League of Legends again, because it will be a hell of a ride 😅

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