Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The Awakening

My dream is that one day my tribe will follow me into the conscious (real) world and see the way I see things, we are different people coming from different worlds being united by a purpose, ir a goal, or a vision, or even a dream I would say, not all of us are aware of the fact that we are day dreaming (I know it sounds funny) but it is real, some people like myself (as a leader) I consider being a Leader of my tribe, my family, my loved ones, my video game, I consider myself a leader in what I do, ok, so you have a state of mind numbness it is called day dreaming or catharsys how I call it, it is a slow process indeed but imagine yourself being a caterpillar that turns into a butterfly, this is kind of the whole process, we are born caterpillars and try to become butterflies and then we die, it's not that simple, the process sometimes it is slow and sometimes it is faster, but it is hard to wake up from catharsys, I know, we are born slaves(as Morpheus said in the movie the Matrix) but we don't have to die as slaves, we can wake up, and I am here to tell you that it is possible, you can do anything you set your mind to, that is what someone said to me: "You can do anything you set your mind to, man) Eminem was and will be my real role model, I admired him since I was a kid, when I was little I knew I wanted to be like him, I knew he was something else, he's just beautiful man, he really is, but to wake up you have to face some facts, it won't be easy, but it will be worth it, try to enjoy the process and not be afraid to speak your mind.

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