Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Being a woman

From my point of view, as I am a man, from a man's point of view women should not say things like men do, I am not trying to censor women I am just saying that if a woman talks like a man it's not going to be good, you have to talk like a woman because you are a woman not a man, this identity crysis is common, as you talk like a woman, walk like a woman, smile like a woman and behave like a woman then you must be a real woman, what can I say? There is no difference between real women and fake women, like there is no real man and a fake man, there is just woman and man, and to be like this either you are a woman or you are a man, you have to behave like your gender because that is all you will ever have in this world, I am not changing anything about me because I love myself as I am, and I'm not saying you should change yourself but please I am asking to all the women out there, if you are a woman don't try to behave luke a man, because you will only end up shaming yourself more than you actually are.

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