Friday, April 14, 2023

My Company

I want to create my own gaming company where I can make, invent and create video games, it will be an inovative company with multi vultural and multi language specifications to apply in, where I will develop my own games I will be the CEO and game designer in the company, I will hire the best programmers in the country and I will bring to surface the most awesome games, I will pay my emplooyes a great deal of cash and a salary plus some stocks of the company so they can receive a share of the profit, I will gather up the best programmers in the world and the best artists to make my game more awesome, I will also get cute girls who know how to draw so I can make an interesting visual artistic view of the game, I will hire artists and programmers so my games will be very futuristic and smart, I will gather them all around the world and not just my country, they can work from home, and I will makey vision a reality, I will own my own video game company starting today I will put my plan into action.

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