Saturday, April 15, 2023

Keep the Doctor Away

For me I always thought that the body and the mind can heal itself in the right environment, I think doctors are mostly for people who are afraid because they can't keep calm and keep it cool sometimes in their lifetime, I do not think doctors are something necesary for my tribe because when you leave this earth behind no doctor can bring you back, so you have to be careful with doctors because they do not want what is in your own interest but they want what is in their own interest, like money, fame, and all that kind of stuff, I don't think we need a doctor because they can makeistakes, they are not Gods, only God can help you be free and happy in this world, the doctor is just a cheap imitation of something that can heal you, in reality we get sick sometimes but the body can face it, so without pain and struggle we would be just wabbling bubbles floating around the surface of the earth. 😅

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