Saturday, April 15, 2023

Being a Leader

I always wanted to lead people, I think leading people is one of the most beautiful things there is, above being a writer, being a leader makes me happy because I can decide my own direction in life, but being a follower is also nice because you also have a sense of purpose given from the leader, so being a follower of the leader is almost like being part of the leaders mission and it is very good that the leader can make connections and make the people follow him where he goes, being surrounded by people is very nice and being followed by people is even better, you can start you leading journey today by just deciding you will be available to lead other people, we need leaders like me because we make things happen, we bring into existance what is not already out there, we innovate and create things that never existed before, this is what the definition of leader means: " We bring into existence what never existed before" we are the creators of our own world.

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