Wednesday, April 19, 2023

How do I feed the poor?

I was thinking lately, there are so many poor people in this world that don't have a home, they don't have money to eat or drink, they live by the mercy of others, and this is why I stress so much about money, because they don't have it, I am telling you, these poor people need to get fed, they need help, they need some money man, we could give them our money because we can make money but they don't and you know why that is like this? Because they hit rock bottom man, the fell so hard they can't get up, their life is a mess, they can't even get dinner man, when I see a homeless person who begs for 1$ I just cry inside because life is so hard sometimes, they are not bad people man, they just fell and hit rock bottom, you know what I am talking about, it's nothing else but the fall, that's it, we can all fall if we don't have a safety net, we need something to back us up because if they can fall so can we, so how do we stop that? How can we make a move to save those homeless people? You know, I have an idea and the idea is like a pigeon , it flies around and ends in the right head it was supposed to end, from mouth to mouth from man to man the ideas I am talking about always end in the right minds, and they change them, maybe not first and maybe not last , but someway around the road of life my ideas always end up in the right minds that can change them, and that is real talk I am saying, you dig?

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