Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Leadership Books

 I was trying to find a good leadership book, but they look all the same because I have not tried hard enough and why would I say this? Because a good leadership book is made out of two components which is: Lead or Follow. These are the two principles, if you do not lead then you follow, why? Because this is what the world was made of. One of two reasons is because sometimes you need a leader to show you the way when you feel lost, it is perfectly ok but in reality if you follow a good leader it will make you better and it will inspire you to do another task and another until you finally reached a goal, it is true that goals are like dreams you have to chase your dream because the dream won't chase itself, you have to work it is true but find something you are passionate on working to because when passion exists in you , you will find it easier to do your job if unless you don't have a passion for what you do.

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