Saturday, April 15, 2023

A Leading Man

 Since I was little I wanted to be a leader, it does not matter what you lead or who you lead, as long as you are number 1, I put a lot of accent on being number 1 for myself so I can lead people on the direction I want, I know for some on you , you may not believe that I'm number one but number one does not mean doing things first it also means taking responsability for the things you want to acomplish in life like being the CEO of my own gaming company in the future, I see this now because I look at a clear vision of myself leading a gaming company this is what I want this is what I wish I want to be part of the gaming company so bad I would do anything to achieve this goal, even if it means I have to fail a million times to get it right I will fail and fail and fail until I make it, I will gather up some money I need to make it true I will invest my time and blood and tears into making this dream a reality and I will own my own business in the end, I do not care about anything else , just my work and my connections and my tribe, I want to be the leader of my own tribe and don't care about anything else, I do not give anything for nothing, I give something for something, and this explains why I want a gaming company to make beautiful games for kids all around the world, video games were made for children and this is why I say we need to impregnate more women so we going to have more kids and we are going to have more players in the end, as long as there will be children video games will never die, so go out and make a lot of kids so they will play my video games in the future, and I will lead my team to Victory!

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