Sunday, April 2, 2023

A Novel

 I don't know if somebody reads my articles or posts but here it is, I have been wanting to write something interesting for a while, like a book about something but I don't know what. I have been waiting for that book to hit me for a while now, and it never happened , I have been searching for books all over the city, I believe that I have the false impression I could hit a really good book and not knowing it, I am still searching after it but the books are mostly for kids now, I believe that no matter the age that you have you can still write or read a book, this is why I am writing this article and this may never be read by anybody but I want to show the world that I am capable of rational thinking and I do not believe everything that is thrown at me over the media and internet. My book would be a book that for lots of years has remain hidden for most of the eyes of the readers, I would not try writing a book that could have massive success but I would try to write a book that has a meaningful impact and could create a movement, this book of mine I don't know what to call it would be like a fairytale just like " Alice in Wonderland" if you have read it, I did, I do not believe that if you stop reading for a while you get less and less interested in reading, the proof is here, I could take some breaks from reading but in my mind I know it's the only way to grow, some people can't read and that's not my problem, I write for readers not people who prefer action or fighting or going to the gym doing what? I see that as a challenge for me because I can read for hours and never get tired, if you want fighting and sports go fight your brains out in battle, the real deal happens away from public eyes, so you never know what the protagonist is doing behind the curtains, while you choose to fight or box or just kung fu, I prefer a relaxing evening drinking my tea or my coffee and enjoying a good book, I know you are jealous of me because I can do this and I do not value any other opinion, this is not a negotiation.

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