Sunday, April 2, 2023

Fight for what you believe in

 My point is this, you have to have some kind of purpose, a game, a video , music, something to motivate you to get up in the morning, something to aspire upon, it does not matter if it is big or small but you must have a purpose, you must have a drive, a dream, that something can pull you out into the world and let the world see you for who you are and not some fake image of you. That purpose is the reason I get up in the morning and I do what I do, that purpose has no correlation with money, my purpose is only I want to do this because this and because that, if you get up in the morning just to make money i think that is not my purpose it is your purpose, if your purpose is to make money then you will make a lot of money but if your purpose is to play a game or make music then money is second place right? I do not believe that you have to fail to succeed that is non sense if you succeed you could succeed by luck you don't have to fail to succeed , failure just as success has a certain possibility of luck so if you get lucky enough you could win with your first shot and if you get unlucky enough you could fail the first time, it has no connection one with the other it's pure coincidence, and the more you fail the more you get pissed off like : why am I failing , am I not good enough? and stuff like that, remember you have to have a purpose, and that is why you get up in the morning, meaning you go to gym or whatever, play some football or whatever that may be, you could run after money all your life too if that is your purpose, you see different people means different personalities and different successful stories, we need money but we don't want money, we need success but we don't want to fail, it's just pure luck or pure coincidence, and you could tell me you don't believe in luck, well I do believe in luck and I consider myself to be lucky enough to have a home and a family and food on my table I believe I'm a lucky guy to have all of these.

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