Saturday, March 11, 2023

Write to Earn

 I had a blog on which I paid to write I did a big fail in 2 years i only earned 2$ so I thought I should get something more easy than just paying to write with no income, I should get some from this blog, on blogger it is easy to write and apply rather than wordpress because there you have to pay to write while here it's free which choice will you take? I consider myself a person who can take on any decision easily I do not find taking action or decisions hard for me, I take them easily calculating the probability of succees on each one, I know I am not a perfect writer because english is my second language a I prefer writing english love letters because it is an easy language for me to understand and I really need it so when you feel like you don't know what to do you usually have two choices or more, so take on the easiest choice wich will make your life easier not harder because nobody wants a hard life, life is already hard by default so try to enjoy the ride to the stars

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