Thursday, March 30, 2023

The Awakening

I had this great idea of why humanity is said to be asleep , it is like you are dreaming but you are not dreaming it is like you want to wake up, you feel it, you feel the fear that is inside of you, and you know it, why are you afraid of? We all are afraid of something and in the end it will bite your back for it, you have to wake up and awakening songs are everywhere , why does it say some people are woke and others are not, will you know the truth before it is too late? Or will you wake up one day and see all your life you have lived in fear and today is the day you have to change that, and why you may ask me, why should I do this? Do it for yourself and for your children, for future generations to know, that know you, to know you did something important in your life time, you were not a bum, you were who you were suposed to be, and that difference the realisation that you are still afraid you should question that, Why am I still afraid and what I am afraid of, it is very important that you know your fears that you know what you are afraid of and change that, this is the trick, fear is not mental, fear is spiritual, you are afraid because of something or someone, fear is a spirit that wants to get out of his shell, if you know this you will know the purpose of your lifetime and all your questions will be answered sooner or later down this path of life.

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