Saturday, April 1, 2023


Ok people you can hate all you want, but I have to say that women are crazy most of them, most of them are crazy they speak only non sense if there can't be their way they just ignore me, they hate on me, they don't know what they want, they scream , they shout, they just go crazy, any rational human being can understand that women are really crazy, they do crazy shit they say crazy stfuu, it's a bunch of non-sense I don't understand them, and I do not want to understand them, they are awfull human beings and I hate the way they make me feel like I'm a second choice, I hate the way some women make me feel so all I can say is that karma has to get them to be real and not fake because some of them really hate themselves so I call it the woman hate, they hate themselves and I do not have the time to repair no broken woman so I'm just going to have to throw my feelings down the trash because these women ain't never going to change, they always are going to be this crazy and much more.

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