Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Try again

When facing challenges in life you have to move on, I think the hardest battle for me is to face my demons and try to make sense of things as they come because sometimes I think to myself that all I have is me and Try to understand things better for me I was alone, and sometimes I feel like I have to find my place in the world and I think it is very difficult for me to do to try to het better and know what is right from wrong, to challenge myself to get better because I fell and I don't know why

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Gaming Company

I will love to create my own gaming company, looking down from the past I have come a long road to see this happen one day, I can look into the future and know my own destiny, if I were rich I would know what to do, I would just make video games, creative video games, lovely video games, and mostly fun video games, I love to sit around doing nothing but play video games, I love video games so much I would die for a video game, this is what makes life interesting for me and if you don't agree you can't join my troop , because I am the Boss here and if I fall you all fall along with me, you got to get going, shoot your shot, look up to the stars and dream aboyt it, you can create anything you want you can be whoever you want to be, you can become anything, because your dreams matter to me, so join my troop, enter my circle, come on, be my guest, lets have fun together doing what we love the most in life, I can't wait for Diablo 4 to be released, there is so much we can do!

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

My Dad

I hear about my dad on the news he showed up on TV while he was at work and I knew that but he is his own man, with his own struggles I made him be like , he motivates me to do better you know? The struggles he has feeding his family it's just an honorable way to proceed in his career because we are a family and he needs to know this that I love him with good and bad, with fights and love he is still my dad and forever will be, love you dad.

Father problems

I went to church and asked for my dad why is he always upset and always grumpy, I wanted to give him something he never had but I think I blew it, I was trying so hard and failed, you can't move mountains if he does not bundge, I didn't want him to be this way but he is tired and I know I never wanted him to fail, but as long as you are alive you can do better and I believe in my father because he is the only father I ever got.

My Dad

You know my father? I could write a lot of articles about him and never finish because he knows something I do not, it is ok to feel scared sometimes you need a little help from others but it's ok as long as I am with my dad I can never fail because he is the only one who can help me survive, I know he is ready to go but not now and not today, I think my dad can push through it and eventually at an old age he would understand that I had nothing but love for him and never disrespected him in any way possible, we had our fights but the conflict will end soon and he will wake up like it was a bad dream.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Two Problems

I got two problems: too few pennies and too much drinking, I like to drink water and juice and I don't have enough money to buy them, If you see this tap me out and if you don't grab me in, if you can, but you can't so I know and you lose because you are afraid of what people tell you to do, you can't stand on your own two feet, too afraid to be on your own, you will never be aan fully grown , if you want something fight for it and never let it die, if you don't want it just give up, life is full of quitters who tell you how to do your job, fuck them and do it anyway, you don't care of the consequence you just hate them, then just hate them until you die or go insane, I don't care, evil will spread its arms, only God can save us now.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Rap God

 I rap about it on my videos on youtube you can watch me how I did rap god in 6 minutes, forever alone, why? because i like the song, it fills me up when I'm down it gives me the motivation I need to succeed I know what I want to be, what about you? Can you do it? Find your own purpose in life and just do that, everything else is too expensive for my taste, just go with the flow and you will find magical things in your journey, keep the peace and love your life, it's the only one you got so far, keep playing guys!


I take medication for my illness and sometimes it feels like it's too much for me, I want to get less because it feels like I'm getting too big for my anxiety, and so on and so forth because I am taking too much kedication I could be delusional sometimes, but I feel great, don't judge me for my choices because you don't know what I been through to get here, I just wanted to say this: I am still on medication because the doctor said I should be, and I don't know when I will be free of it, but rest assured I do very well with them now because there is no enemy but myself I am fighting for.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Revenge for my father

 My father is dead, his soul is asleep, I am concerned about this because I have nothing to do with it, I tried everything I could to help him but I did not know what he had because he never told me, he's just like a zombie now, he used to have depression but he never spoke to us, his family about it, he tried to get cured but you can't cure depression in 6 months, I had depression also and I am still fighting it, but he gave up, too soon too fast, his father also had depression and died taking medication, this will be my future too if I do not take the correct medication for my illness, some of us never make it, I have the perfect example in my house, his knees can't hold him anymore and I am afraid something bad will happen to him, he gave up the moment he chose alcohol instead of medication, he choose beer instead of the antidote he choose sickness instead of the cure, that is so bad and so unfortunate to see good men die like this, it's such a hard life and he only makes it worse by drinking with his friends, I will never agree on this type of atitude towards my family, if he wants to leave us then so be it.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

A New Game

 I wish I can find a new game to play, or maybe a mobile game, I have to find something new to work on, I've been working on Heroes of the Storm for years and I still like it but I wonder if there is anything else out there to play, until I find out it will be a mistery but today I am going to take what I have and I have to go with it until I find something worth playing, Heroes of the Storm taught me a lot about video games but today I will go on and on, I wish I had some great idea on what to do with it, but I don't know yet, I have to grow with it or else I die, and I don't want to die, I want to survive so the past is not real, the future is coming and we live in the present moment, we have to take what we have and make something about it or we will die if we do not unite, I have to do this for the safety of my people, my people playing Heroes and my people playing other games, shout out to you guys, you are the best, Peace!