Friday, May 19, 2023

Two Problems

I got two problems: too few pennies and too much drinking, I like to drink water and juice and I don't have enough money to buy them, If you see this tap me out and if you don't grab me in, if you can, but you can't so I know and you lose because you are afraid of what people tell you to do, you can't stand on your own two feet, too afraid to be on your own, you will never be aan fully grown , if you want something fight for it and never let it die, if you don't want it just give up, life is full of quitters who tell you how to do your job, fuck them and do it anyway, you don't care of the consequence you just hate them, then just hate them until you die or go insane, I don't care, evil will spread its arms, only God can save us now.

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