Wednesday, April 19, 2023

The Richest Man In Babylon

This is the book I read a few years ago, it is about a son who was given by his father a lot of gold coins, his father told him to multiply his coins so he went into the world and lost all his money, now I know rich people don't work for money, that is the secret, the moment you work that moment your dream dies and you wake up, but his son had to come back to him 10 years later and his father asked him if he multiplied his coins and the frustration in his sons voice I can almost hear it , he said he lost almost all his money being robbed by people who teached him wrong things about money, so he said in his mind he had to make a choice, he was either going to try to get his money back or he could then try to earn his father's forgiveness, anyway this happend : he got took as a slave for somebody higher in rank from Syria and he escaped from that slave master, after that he swore he would be a free man, once the slavery chains were fractured he started working at a bread maker, making pastries for people to sell them to, he gathered a lot of money and asked if he could return to his father with his small fortune, his father when he saw him was delighted that his son did not fail and gained a lot of wealth, this is not even half of what is in the book but sometimes you need to put your mind to work for you and not against you, they said, so for him to be able to gather up all that money from work he could be independent finally, the teachings ate multiple, there is not a singulary storyline that narrates the beginning and the end of the book, it is filled with money making fantasies like the well of income, the source, so he used what he knew to make money, he did not use what he thought he knew, he used what had a 100% chance of working for him, he did not even think of failure, he said"this is a clean shot at my wealth" and took it, there was no probability for him to fail ever in what he had done or put in his mind to do.

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