Thursday, April 20, 2023

Hey, Remember Me?

When I started writing articles I did not know how it will end but in time I found something in me that was so strong, it was like indestructible because I found it and now it is mine, when you try to bring alive a person that is when shit gets serious, nature has a lot of interesting new things to explore but I never thought it could be so strong, it's like unshackable, and un moveable because when you think about it, it's true, you are luke stone, not stoned but awake, and this is a helping hand and not a bad hand, firstly I want to thank my mom because I am doing this for her and secondly my own intuition I guess and fight things that are kind of wierd if you think about it, when death is taken seriously it's kind of scary to think about it but, aomewhere in my mind I want to believe that death is not real and that our spirits are immortal, because you don't need to get hurt, the most beautiful things can happen when you are calm, death is not an option for me because our planet is so fascinating that it deserves a second chance because, we all struggle we just have to fund somebody to struggle with "I got you bro" All we need is somebody to lean on. 

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