Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Mom and Dad

I don't usually write about my parents and stuff but I got to know the difference between love and unconditional love, lets say that you have a wonderful family that inspires you to do so much more than you believe you can, I always find my mother to help me out in difficult situations because I'm her son and my dad always tries to put me on a good direction in life, so growing up with both parents I think it helped me out alot because I know what to do and not to do I have known the difference between good and bad and evil and I know what works and what does not work for me, I never abuse alcohol I never go to parties where they use drugs and alcohol, I am a clean man I never abuse my language and I never make somebody feel like they are not worth my love, so for all the parents out there that are struggling in their families I can only say that having both parents makes life so much esier and fulfilling and honorable than having just one of them, always try to keep your family close because in the end they are the only ones who truly have your back, peace.

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