Saturday, March 25, 2023

Why Men make Great Leaders?

 Only a man can provide, fight and defend his territory and woman, only a man can make certain things that a woman can't of course they give birth to us but on the second thought you will see that a man is a defender not a warrior and can be very effective in protecting and sustaining the survivability of the family he makes shelter he provides he hunts and carries the prey back to the den which he shelters his family in it, only a man can do these things than a woman may find difficult to do, of course they give birth to us but they need us, women need us and we need them I met somebody special today that I don't want to let go so from now on I promise to take good care of women and never let them go no matter what, I met the most special person today which made me believe in love again, I hope some day we will recognize the power of a man which can make the whole difference in a woman's life I'm not saying women are better or men are better because sometimes we need a certain man at a certain time in a certain moment to be there for you because a woman without a man is like a flower without her bees, of course the bees need the queen but without the males the bees would not exist of course the males don't do anything all day and sit around but they sit around for a certain role, because they need to protect the territory from other men or people who would disturb the peace of the hive. Enjoy.

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