Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Nasty Breakup

 I had a lot of girls in my prime time, at least until 24 or 25, because I was not taking any medication back then until the disease hit me, well it's tough, it's not depression anymore don't get it confused now it is a real disease, it all starts with a little depression and it grows and grows and grows until you can't control it anymore, I had depression and after that an episode and after that the true disease or illnes, it has nothing to do with working out or practicing sports it is just the way it is and you have to accept that because if you don't it will eat you alive from the inside out, you have to accept your condition, my mom always used to tell me, "accept yourself for who you are and always speak from your heart" so my mom told me to listen to my heart and always speak what I feel not what I know because we can only see the truth of things with our hearts not our brains, at the beginning of my journey in finding women I stumbled against a lot of them I even was the first guy in their lives for some of them, but after the disease and depression kicked in I just couldn't do it anymore , it was like I lost a part of myself that I will never get it back, you stupid people joke about depression thinking it's a luxury, you know nothing what depression is, because you never had it, imagine depression being like a monster inside of you it starts by being so small you never know it's there and after a while it grows bigger than you can control, this is why people lose their shit so easily because they are depressed and don't even know it yet, all you guys who joke about this are sad people, we should support depressed people not judge them. The End.

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