Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Money Stacks

Is it not wierd how we tend to spend so much money when we have it? It is like when you have money all they want us to do is to spend it as quickly as possible? It is stupid and wierd if you do not find a method to save your money you will spend it on unnecesary things and all your money will vanish and you will have nothing left for your kids for your schools for anything and has a return back, because if you do not save your money then who will? The thing is money comes to you but you decide on how you spend it, it can go really fast but if you do not have a method to make your money stay at you then you have something that is draining you of your money, the most common things is that your money can go from you just as easily like it came to you, it is imperiously that you do not give your money to anybody else unless you have no choice but to give it, if it is your property you have no obligation to give it to anybody else but yourself, if you buy cheap things that are UNNECESARY you will have nothing in the end, and if you do not understand this you clearly have a problem with money and not with people.

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