Sunday, March 19, 2023

I work for the Horde

 I think I did many articles before for World of Warcraft even tho I don't always play Horde for some reason I like it better, I think the night elves have the sexiest female characters because they are really tall and good looking, and the baddest of them all I think there are the Orcs, to be honest my first character in World of Warcraft was a Dwarf priest, pretty damn funny is it. Dunno why I was playing it on the private servers and such and I was in a guild named Elite Night Stalkers and I kept the name of the guild alive because I liked it too much, first video game that I thought was something special one of them was Disciples : Sacred Lands I can still hear the music intro of the Game or menu music dunno what it was, it's crazy it was such and old game and I really liked it, I think that was my initiation into the process of video games, I had a lot of games, and sometimes my mom would take my keyboard or mouse justy to make me stop playing video games all night, what crazy times did I have when I was young I would play until 5 am in the morning then I would go to sleep and wake up at 8 am to go to school or I would go to bed early and wake up at 4 am or 5 am to play until I went to school, I'm a real fan of these things now at 30 I regret all the things I did not have the chance to do with my life, I feel ruined sometimes but I still have my guts and glory it never faded, that was a nice age to be and to play, I would play league of legends with my brother from time to time and I was the guy who introduced him to video games because he saw me playing and thought it was awesome so we kind of picked up where we left of, of course I'm not playing league of legends right now but I took the chance to teach my brother how to play it and he liked it so we are both gamers now, it's the most beautiful gift to see that we have so much in common, we both kind of  do sports from time to time but at our core level we both are gamers for life

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