Tuesday, March 14, 2023

How to feel alive again?

When life brings you down you feel like you can't get up, you feel small and little and after that when the time comes to be your own man, when the time comes to man up, you take the chance and lose it with all your heart, you explode, like a river with water you give up and grow right back again, there is no "me" or "we" or anything you just want to blow up, move on, make money, and lose yourself in the process, you feel like going crazy about it but you know the road, you know the path, you know what you can do and there is no stopping us because we are the ones who make our lives worth living not anybody else, we are responsable for our lives and that is the most precious fact there is, no one is in charge of our lives except us, we have to take care of ourselves forst and after that the others.

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