Thursday, July 2, 2020

I have learned it the hard way

Today I have learned it the hard way how is it like to have nothing.
Today I have learned that money is the fruit which makes everything and anything possible,
Today I have learned that the fruit of money the tree of money is in fact a tree that never dies.
Today I have learned that money is immortal and the exchange of currencies is immortal too.
Today I have learned the fact that the more you have the more you can give, today I have learned that something that makes me happy can make another one happy too.
So if you are trying to be happy and make it through life you have to be strong. Maybe the strongest man alive to succeed through this life of adversity.
Today I have learned the hard way that karma never ends also, today is the day that my life changed forever, today is the day I will recognize the fact that I am not immortal but my spirit is.
Today I recognize the fact that I will be reborn somewhere somehow somebody.
Today I will know my future destiny.
Our destiny is in our hands and our hands only.
Go in peace friend.

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