Saturday, July 11, 2020


I feel myself changing all the time, adapting to the environment in which I am.
No matter where you are you can adapt to change, it is futile to deny the fact that we all need this, in fact, it is in the human nature to change and adapt to his environment wherever you are, to live not to die.
Considering the fact that maybe we are unique in our own way I would like to call myself a Prophet of my time.
I would like to say that I am blessed with a voice not many of you have.
In fact, my voice sounds just like an echo.
In which voice do you trust? The good or the bad, the ups or the downs, the heaven or the hell?
You can tell someone to leave you alone but you cannot force somebody to listen to you.
This is my teaching to be a voice, not an echo in life.
We all have our own voices, we can say the truth or we can say nothing, this is the real truth in life.
If you cannot say the truth you should shut up until the truth is revealed to you in so many ways and forms.
I can congratulate so many of you for succeeding but I need to congratulate myself first in order for me to do my own work.
I have an ethical mind you know.

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