Thursday, April 20, 2023

Why do we need women as men?

 I think women are very important not just for pleasure but also for believing in the man she promised her heart on, I think a woman is important but trees are more important than them, any creation is a big creation when it starts small and you build it up into an empire, I think it is necessary to know what is your dream, do you dream to be a blogger? or to be a hip hop artist, or do you want to be on TV? It's interesting to have dreams but you have to work, you have to make them bigger , they grow because we never give up, we have to fight music and work our way to go up, as much as we can, we can fly, we got birds, we got bees, we got trees, we got flowers, we got everything we need, we just need more people to join us in our game, I am serious, all are welcome into my world, it is something beautiful, this is my place, and we have love for all of you, greetings traveller , and now we can do so much more in trying to grow our business, even if it a business or a store, or something, or something to buy from, of course we need money, but we need to create something that will never die, we need to go to some place where we feel immortal and we have everything a town needs.

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