Wednesday, March 15, 2023

The Gifts

In my country they say that God gives you gifts but he does not put them in your hands, you have to take them from him, so what do we understand here? What is happening to humans? God gifts us sometimes but we have to reach out to God and take them, he gives but we have to take, it goes both ways, I hope one day when I am going to be older I would realise what precious gift life is, sometimes I want to scare people off because I am a man, and I am strong, I do not want to be afraid anymore, fear is for children, when you grow up as a man, you realise that the kid inside of you knocks at your door wanting to come into your life, my kid, my childhood was I would say full of adversity, but when a kid comes into my life I welcome him and the whole world welcomes him and I just know he's going to be king one day because his father was a king and his father's father was a king, and this is how kings never die, a clown cannot birth a king, only a king can make a king, and the woman watches and welcomes the kid into the world.

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