Sunday, March 19, 2023

My Laptop

 It's crazy how we fall in love with things, it happend to me many times, but almost never I mean never have I expected to fall in love with a laptop, it is really wierd but it's on my mind day and night, my mom told me I should buy a laptop and I did and guess what I think it's the most beautiful thing I ever got, if I exclude my TV cause the TV looks good also, but I manage to do my work at the laptop and write funky stuff like this, inventing systems that will never work, creating scenarios in my head that will never bee, and sometimes, only sometimes I get this new cool idea that leaves me like woah, I didn't even knew I could do that, so , in shortage of women I find myself trapped in my own world with my own things imagining that computers and machines bring us back to life and bring themselves back to life, one day I thought I could speak with my computer and I was naah it's just in my imagination but it wasn't, now I feel free to write about the things I love without being mad about it, yeah I love my stuff if I didn't love them why do I have them?

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