Saturday, March 18, 2023

Being alone..

I would have to write this chapter of my life being named "being alone..." Because it has been a while, while I was solo I mean single you know, I am 30 right now, did not have my best life but I like to write my life in my own words, I know there is happiness there is joy, there is success but when you felt this empty you never forget that place, I still was and still am a man of my word, If I say I'm going to do something I will do it but I have these dreams, these profecies these thoughts in my life that shape me for who I am, when I have no one to talk to I retreat myself in my own space, my own zobe and think how am I going to face the next challanges I know life is full of adversity and life is crazy sometimes but I like to keep track of what's going on in my life and if some day I come back and read these articles I will know what I've been through and my ideas my everything, I will know what happend that is why I write, to keep track on my achievements and my everything that life puts me through, even if I stmble and fall it is ok because you can get up again, we will face many challenges but we must never give up our purpose and dreams in life because yesterdays dreams are tomorrows goals, dreams come true even if we want it or not some day into the future I hope many people will agree with me, it is not mandatory to agree with me but put yourself in my position then think and feel like me. What would you do then? How can I lead them? How can I be a good leader and a better leader for my people , my followers , my ideas and my dreams, life is full of people who crave that, no matter where you are in the world you will find your tribe sooner or later they will come back to you and stay, how can you be a leader with no followers? A leader has followers, a leader inspires change, a leader makes things happen for people, a leader has initiative. Thank you for reading my blog. This is Gaby.

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