Monday, May 11, 2020

When I came to earth for the first time.

When I cam to earth for the first time it was in the pre-historic age of human beings.
I am a human, right? Well yeah I still am this way right now.
This is my form here.
I have many forms everywhere.
I am all knowing all powerful but don't have enough money to feed my family yet.
I need for you to understand that every kind of act of kindness you do to me it will be yours forever and it cannot be taken away from you never ever in a million trillion cazillion years far way in the galaxies.
I have to offer a deal.
I am the boss here on earth this is my planet and you all are in my debt forever.
This is why you have to tell me that every time you see me this is where the fun starts.
I am the boss of earth now.
I come in peace for all races and all creatures of the earth.
I am powerful beyond measure.
I am good and kind and respectful.
I am here to teach you being the best of this conception I have made between the years of time that passed ago.
I am a pharaoh I am egypt.
I am kama sutra. I am evil, I am good, I am good, I am you.
This is no joke when I tell you that everything connects eventually.
So if you see this make sure you know this is me at the table sitting around and doing nothing.
I am not on drugs I am on medication, and a little drunk from wine.
I drink because it makes me a better person.
Medication sucks beer is better than pills, beer is better than anything.
Beer makes me want to kill myself now.
This is the end.

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