Thursday, June 25, 2020

In a galaxy far far away

In a galaxy far far away there is something very special about to happen.
It can be luck, it can be healthy, it can be all the goods in the world, I don't mind.
My main reason for pointing this is just that I have studied to know astrology better and how the planets rearrange themselves just in order to help us survive this chaos that we live in on planet earth at this time.
Magic happens every day to all of us but most people don't see it.
I am so sad to say that I pray for the good in mankind, and I support every good thing that everybody does or say, I'm an honest appreciation of facts and reality and truth and respect, I treat you as you treat me and that is kind of the same as the karma law.
Well, folks, this is it for the good of mankind I will say that every people should be treated equal no matter his intelligence or status. These things do not matter, I am here to explain that we all can live in peace and prosperity but only if we want it to be like that, it's all about your own desire and what you want in life that counts, I wish you guys the best and never forget that you are worth every miracle in your life

Monday, June 15, 2020

Why women are traitors

Most of the women I have met have made me see that they are the most and biggest traitors in this world, nothing can be more traitorous than a woman cheating on you.
And when I say nothing I mean nothing can hurt as bad as being cheated on.
I have been cheated on, and women have cheated on their boyfriends with me.
So this is a ying and yang problem, a karma problem that they have if a woman cheats on you it's called treason but if a man cheats on his woman it's called that he is good looking.
I have a question for all women, why do you cheat on your man?
Why do you don't you trust him?
Maybe you don't like him well enough.
Maybe he is not your soul mate.
Maybe he is a scumbag after all
This is a good question, why do women cheat on their men?
Why do they cheat on their loved ones?
This only means to me that they do not love them anymore
This only means to me that women are in bad and fearful relationships all over the world.
This is how domestic violence spreads up.
A man can beat up a cheating woman if he wants or breaks up with her.
He only has two choices to make.
One is he starts being violent with her and he sticks up together, the other one is that they have to break up and start falling apart both of them.
So the major issue here is domestic violence.
So the only choice he has is to leave her alone.
The only possible choice is a breakup.
If they do not break up they will start fighting and this can lead to domestic violence.
If the man cheats on his woman, the woman can become violent also, it's up to her to decide what to do and so on.
If the woman cheats the man can become violent and hit his woman.
It's all up to choices here.
Either you have fidelity either you start fighting, either you break up.
The most common of them all is breakups.
The couples that do not cheat on each other do not break up.
While the couples that cheat upon each other end up falling apart and destroying families.
So either way, you take this and you stay single or meet with other girls for the rest of your life, either you find a wife and get married, either you cheat on her and start fighting and after all this trouble you eventually will end up single all over again.
The most common happening in the world is being single for no reason what so ever, this makes people bitter while being with a loved one makes people smart and happy.
Cheating is not an option for me or my family can lead to most of the breakups in the world.
We do not cheat because cheating makes you weak.
Cheating is for losers while fidelity is for winners, this is why I don't cheat on girls.

A well made financial system

The financial system that we live in today is not that good anymore.
We need a new one, we need a new financial system for our parents our children and for ourselves.
I am starting to understand how this system works now.
It is just like a game we play in.
Our financial system is just a game that when played you will discover new methods of earning money or cash or cryptocurrency.
Our new way of thinking defines who we are as a person.
Our new imagination defines who we are as individuals.
Us as individuals define our own style and our own methods of investing capital into the market.
These are financial assets which used correctly can make any person rich in their own unique way.
Our system is based on individual investment plans rather than mutual funds system that the government has.
Our system is based on the person's ability to generate income and what they are worth.
Net worth and brute worth.
The system that I own can make you rich in seconds after getting the idea after you get the point you will understand what I'm saying.
The point of my system and the foundation of my system is the idea, we are based on ideas if we have ideas we can generate income but if we don't we won't generate anything.
My point is that your net worth is defined by your financial intelligence IQ rather than the money you actually have, the more you know about money, the more you can make.
This is my net worth at this moment but in the future, it will be bigger than this.

There are three types of people in this world

There are three types of people in the world like there are three types of timings in the world.
There is the first kind of people who live in the past.
The second type of people who live in the present.
And the third type of people is those who live in the future.
Considering these types of people and their timings, I have classified them into 3 major categories.
First is the Pasters, second is the Presents and the third is the Futurists.
I personally call myself a Futuristic guy.
I live in the present and future but mostly in the future, some people live in the past and have present tendencies, and some live in the present and have futuristic tendencies.
The first class of people "the people from the past" are the poorest.
The second class which is the middle class of society has moderate earnings and they live in the present.
In the third class, rich people live in the future.
The majority of people live in the past and present, and this meaning the majority of people have poor to moderate-income earnings each month.
They usually have a job or two working nine to five jobs and so on, the system that they have is the pyramidal system which companies and large corporations use.
I also own a pyramidal system that I personally created for me right now.
This creation of mine, the pyramidal system of mine is used in working with CryptoTab Browser.
CryptoTab Browser is a browser that generates income for its users by daily use.
CryptoTab uses bitcoin to generate income.
CryptoTab is a money-making browser if you use it correctly you can get your money back from surfing the web.
My pyramidal system is used in a sense of money generating income passively by most of my institutionalized earning methods.
My pyramidal system is very successful and marvelous.
I am the first one to say this but the pyramid is my system and I am at the top of it, I am at the top of the pyramid.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Bitcoin Taxing

I do not agree with Bitcoin being taxed by the government, yes it should be legal to mine bitcoin, yes it should be legal to be traded , but a tax about 10% to exchange bitcoin on Romanian grounds is very high if you ask me.
I do not agree with any taxing at all of bitcoin in two cases.
1. bitcoin is decentralised.
2. Bitcoin is an anti-government currency.
It was actually made for the government to not be capable of gaining profits from it.
But because Satoshi Nakamoto left bitcoin as it is and passed his idea to another.
This could actually mean that the government could clearly make profits out of this then they should support us by making lower electricity fees.
In order for us to make a living out of bitcoin we should actually gain more profit and lower the fees.
Ok you can tax it 10% but lower the electricity bill so we could also gain profit.
I think it is fair enough.
Less electricity fee less money loss.
The lower we have to pay for our income, the higher the profits are, did you think that you could take 10% of our profits and get away with them like snap?
Low budget on the electricity bill is incoming.
Lower the electricity tax and maximize bitcoin profits.
You cannot just take take take from everywhere you can, and not give something back in return, it is our electricity and it is our bitcoin this meaning it is our money you are playing with.
This is a monetary revolution you are experiencing right now.
When you tax something so valuable, don't get frustrated when you see yourself in the mirror in the morning.
For what?

Monday, June 1, 2020

Make a change, make an impact on the world

Firstly I want to tell you all that the changes starts with us each and every one as an individual in the world. If one changes we all change this is life.
If I change then you change and so on, it is a repeatable process as long as it goes into the world.
Change comes in so many forms and places, it can happen instantly to anyone you might never know who do you change or who is next to change.
You might never know who you will change next if it's you or the other guy or girl on the block or in the world or in the universe.
You might never know who changes and who is not changed by the experiences he had.
Changes happen so often and so rapidly you don't seem to express them or even know them you might never know they are there anyway.
Anybody can change it is just a matter of time until it actually happens to all of us as individuals as styles or as systems we can change the systems we the people have the power to do that.
And I trust in change because change is good and can happen for a variety of reasons known or unknown to man, firstly to change yourself or somebody you need to act quick and not think at all at what you are doing in the present moment.
You need to be faster than the speed of light it is similar to the speed which light is absorbed into a black hole, the speed in which light is absorbed into that black whole is bigger than the actual speed of light can travel.
So the speed of the black holes gravitational system is bigger than the speed in which light can travel around the universe.
So therefore darkness is more powerful than the light this I can tell you honestly.
And nothing compares to the dark, there is more dark matter in the universe than it is light.
We all need light, we need the suns we need them to make us see and perceive everything around us.
Without light it would have been only darkness everywhere.
That is what the big bang stands for, the beginning of the light because before of the big bang there was only darkness all around us.
There was no light before so therefore we shall have light from now on.
You can see it in your eyes.
I can see it you can we all can.
We can see light we can see infra red we can see in the darkness now.
We can see the nothingness which is the vast expansion of the universe all around us.
We can see the planets all around us we can feel the stars that shine for us, we can feel our stars really big out there in the sky it even makes me dream that anything is possible and that anyone can change the world around us not just me my fellow friends.
I can change myself so you can change yourself so we can all change by ourselves for ourselves all together.
We can all make a change and a difference in this universe because we are big enough to do that so.
Just do it as the Nike commercial says.
Do it what do you got to lose?
It's you life man you can do anything the hell you want just be free enough to realize that nothing is impossible in this world not even our humanly flesh is not enough to withstand the pain of giving birth to a human child.